Sunday 16 June 2013

Well, I Don't Know Where He's Going To Get The 40p From...


...but OK, Mark, it's a deal. Cough up!


David Duff said...

Is that the cost of bullets these days?

Of course I have no idea who Paul is and I bear him no ill-will but it's just that sulky-looking teen-agers have that effect on me. Er, the defence rest m'Lud.

Leg-iron said...

If Mark gets enough 40p's he can eat at MacDonald's four times a day and then nobody will be able to walk past him.

Everyone would have to cross the street.

JuliaM said...

"Is that the cost of bullets these days?"

Waste of them even so. Just club his with the stock!

"Everyone would have to cross the street."


John said...

One wonders how many 40p's it took to pay for that poster...

JuliaM said...

Knowing how much ad agencies charge, one hell of a lot!