Wednesday 26 June 2013

Well, We'll Re-Open It When It's National 'Kill Yourself On The Railway' Week...

The move has sparked anger from cyclists, who point out it is National Bike Week.
'The move' being...?

Well, simply stopping them from killing themselves (and more importantly, traumatising a train driver and inconveniencing passengers):
A rail crossing popular with cycle commuters has been closed for safety reasons.
Network Rail has locked gates on a path linking the Wivenhoe Trail with Essex University, meaning it is only accessible by pedestrians using a stile.
Concerns had been raised bike riders were using the crossing without checking for trains, and with the gates left open by cyclists liability could fall on the landowner or the rail body if there was an accident.
The people who are outraged at this are, no doubt, the same ones who scream blue murder every time some two-wheeled idiot tried to beat a 5 ton truck away from the lights and loses, thereby giving them cause to demand restrictions 'for safety'...


Anonymous said...

shurely another attempt by the non-cycling community to stigmatise the cycling community. I cannot believe any cyclist would be so foolhardy, reckless and downright careless. But yes...just like ipod wearing teens...from Oz a PIF

Joe Public said...

C'mon Julia, give cyclists from Essex University some modicum of common sense. Please.

Woman on a Raft said...

What the hell, red lights are only advisory, aren't they?

Woodsy42 said...

And in so doing also preventing any disabled person or elderly person from using the path.

Anonymous said...


Come on Network Rail it is Darwinian, we get rid of the thick ones, the counsellors can explain it to the drivers who splatter them, it is good for the gene pool, a public service.

JuliaM said...

"But yes...just like ipod wearing teens..."

Some of them don't make it to the teens.

"...give cyclists from Essex University some modicum of common sense."


"What the hell, red lights are only advisory, aren't they?"


JuliaM said...

"And in so doing also preventing any disabled person or elderly person from using the path."

Hmmm, not sure they wouldn't be as at risk, as less mobile. But it's possibly an angle that'll be used.

" is Darwinian..."

Jeff Goldblum was wrong in 'Jurassic Park', it's not Nature that finds a way... ;)