Thursday 15 February 2018

"'She has five children under 10 and is about to have another..."

And who's paying for the irresponsible breeding of the bitch?

Well, dear reader, if you're a are!
Magistrates handed Bennett a 12-month community order with a 15-day rehabilitation activity requirement, and banned her from keeping animals for 10 years.
She must also pay a £120 fine, plus £250 court costs and an £85 victim surcharge.
You're paying that too.

No wonder she left the court with a smile a mile wide on her face.


Pcar said...

I'm confused, Left BBC/MSM keeps telling us "the poor" are in food poverty

This "the poor" doesn't look like a starving waif, she's obese - eats too much food she doesn't have?

Ah, the Left - two conflicting messages attacking Capitalists is logical in their fantasy land

Ted Treen said...

She should be sterilised - as should her mother; with the mother's sterilisation being back-dated 30 years.

Anonymous said...

Let her off after she has repaid her debt to society. While she “donates” a spare kidney and liver lobe sterilise her at the same time then keep her and sprogs on the bone marrow donor list.

JuliaM said...

"This "the poor" doesn't look like a starving waif, she's obese - eats too much food she doesn't have?"

Yes, the 'obesity crisis' is alive and well in the lower courts!

"...with the mother's sterilisation being back-dated 30 years."

Oh, I suspect we could go back to the primordial slime if we wanted to do the mosy good.

"While she “donates” a spare kidney and liver lobe sterilise her at the same time then keep her and sprogs on the bone marrow donor list."

I think there'd be a quality control issue!