Wednesday 16 December 2020

Well, Then, Maybe You Should Have Asked For Some Before You Started...

The insider said: 'The civil service has a zero-tolerance approach to discrimination in all forms, but we will always be led by the evidence and by what works.
'Expert analysis is clear – there is no evidence that unconscious bias training works and it can even be detrimental. It is untenable to spend taxpayers' money on this.'
...and not after you'd rolled it out to the tune of £156 of taxpayer cash for everyone forced to undergo it.
The move will be welcomed by Tory MPs who have questioned why ministers have adopted an unproven agenda championed by the Left.

Pot, meet kettle.  

Mansfield Conservative MP Ben Bradley, who refused to undergo unconscious bias training in Parliament, last night said the move was overdue.
'People are fed up with being preached at by a metropolitan elite pushing a divisive agenda that doesn't even work.'

But we should trust them to handle the coronavirus 'crisis' because, errr, ummm, someone help me out here? 


Steve T. said...

Was there a 'million' missing here?

Just Trevor said...

Ben Bradley is a sly little runt. He attracted praise for making supportive comments about white working-class boys (although personally I have no appetite for any class/identity politics) but he has shown himself to be a good boy, voting for all the authoritarian measures. He's quite the self-promoter on any media going, angling for a government job I suppose.

Unknown said...

Few zeroes missing from that 156 maybe...

JuliaM said...

"Was there a 'million' missing here?"

Here, there, after a while, it begins to look like real money, doesn't it?

"He's quite the self-promoter on any media going, angling for a government job I suppose."

We'll wait for him to come a Covid cropper, like little Tobias...

"Few zeroes missing from that 156 maybe..."

Oh, I'm certain there's been some very creative accounting!