Thursday 15 June 2023

'1984' Wasn't An Instruction Manual...

A deputy headteacher allegedly reported a foster mother to social services after she questioned the school's teaching of 'the genderbread person' as well as a video lecture of a non-binary 12-year-old saying gender is dynamic.
The teacher wrote in a letter seen by the Telegraph that while the children were 'looked after physically', there was a danger they could 'expound similar bigoted viewpoints' to their mother.

I would tag this 'beyond belief' but is it, really? 

According to reports, a meeting took place between social services and members of the school to discuss if the woman was suitable as a foster mother.

Showing a work ethic we haven't seen in recent cases.  

In a class action case that is being prepared against the Government, the foster mother is now one of the litigants who claim the ministers have been 'wilfully neglient' for allowing material from groups like Stonewall to become the norm in schools.

I wish them luck, but even if they win, what action will be taken to root out this dogma? 


Macheath said...

I fear it is far, far too late to root it out; like vampires, these organisations have been allowed over the threshold and are now sucking the life-blood out of education, not least by providing a useful tool for heads to remove experienced older (and therefore more expensive) teachers whose views and opinions may not match the current orthodoxy. The resulting purge (boosted by sky-high early retirement figures) means that dissenting voices are becoming vanishingly rare.

The Mail has a worrying case this week: a History supply teacher reported to the authorities by his school - which boasts of its ‘Stonewall Silver School Champions Award’ - after alleged complaints from year 7 pupils with gender dysphoria about a science lesson on puberty (which he gave - reluctantly - at the school’s specific request).

According to its policies, that school promises ‘through a formal partnership with Stonewall, to promote the wellbeing of children who identify as LGBTQ+, and to educate the wider academy community on issues around gender identity’ (‘educate ‘, in this context, presumably being used in much the same way as it was by the Bolsheviks and Khmer Rouge).

Anonymous said...

With all this LGBGT nonsense, I'm assuming the "B" stands for "Bi' which, in this case shows that someone involved in this clownworld acknowledged that there are only two genders. I can see one group being'cancelled' eventually.
Plus, apparently, the word 'lesbian' is not to be used. Instead, it's 'non-men', while 'gays' still refers to men, despite none of them being able to define men. There just aren't enough lunatic asylums to put these creatures in.

Libertarian said...

I think the LGBs would be quite happy for the TQIA+s to push off.

Anonymous said...

Two points:

One, that these "teachers" are now, and have been for some time, the majority of the 'profession'. Act accordingly. (and specifically that such are at every level of the profession, to the very top, to even be allowed in it).

Two, any mumbles of disagreement by the LGB crowd is, not because they disagree, but because they can see the writing on the wall, that such extremist perversion 'will' cause a backlash, and they fear for 'their' privilege'

Not one of them really cares about you and your children, they care only about how such behaviour reveals their own perversions, and how it will affect them. They are all too happy to support the T's when it benefits their own cause.

'All' of them should be treated as the pariahs and perverts they are.

JuliaM said...

"I fear it is far, far too late to root it out..."

Yes, me too. We're like Kevin McCarthy in the closing scene of 'Invasion of the Bodysnatchers' at this point... 😑

"With all this LGBGT nonsense, I'm assuming the "B" stands for "Bi' which, in this case shows that someone involved in this clownworld acknowledged that there are only two genders."

DAMN good point!

"I think the LGBs would be quite happy for the TQIA+s to push off."

I think they are starting to realise, albeit slowly, just what damage is being done by the rabid activists.

"...but because they can see the writing on the wall, that such extremist perversion 'will' cause a backlash, and they fear for 'their' privilege'"

Some, undoubtedly. But not all,