Friday 16 June 2023

I Don't Know How They Do It...

...but somehow, terrorists and deranged psychopaths always seem to choose victims from one particular type:

Barney's mother Emma Webber described the attacker who killed the two students as 'evil', but added he was 'just a person' as she begged the public not to level hate at 'any colour, religion or gender'.
Grace's mother, Sinead O'Malley-Kumar said:'It just is truly so unfair but I'll echo what my husband said yesterday - be kind to each other, look after each other, don't have hate in your hearts. Say prayers for my baby girl.'

Thankfully, I've never been the bereaved relative of this kind of atrocity, but if I were, I very much doubt that I would come out with this sort of touchy-feely bollocks. Maybe I'm just a worse sort of person than these people. 

But isn't it strange that they all seem to sing from the same hymnbook when they get to take centre-stage at the vigils? 

Her father Sanjoy added:'I'd like to thank the uniformed services who also do a great job.'

I really hope for your sake you still think that after the inevitable coroner's report, court case and inquiry... 


gonetomorrow said...

They have to sit with a police victim handler. They are told to say nothing publicly. Then they are briefed on what to say to 'avoid public concern and not demonise whatever group the perp is part of'. Only then can they appear at public events such as a 'vigil'.

At least, that is my speculation.

Oh, are participants in a vigil vigilantes? If only.

Anonymous said...

That so many ‘parents’ of victims show this same (touchy-feely bollocks) trait is … indicative, is it not?

But think about what values and cautions those parents will have inculcated their offspring with, and it all becomes clear.

The offspring are victims because … they placed themselves in circumstances, reacted badly and naively in situations that ‘normal’ people would avoid and automatically act defensively in.

The simple fact is, if you have parents like these, you are merely a victim-in-waiting.

[I tried to inform/educate my children, mostly successfully, and I myself am never in (the late, great Colonel Jeff Cooper’s) “Condition White” unaware and unprepared anywhere except when asleep in ‘my’ bed, and only just even then. These ‘victims, live their whole lives there].

We’ll gloss over the fact that any parent who didn’t utter such platitudes would not just never be quoted, but would probably be vilified and arrested, so the true percentage is going to be somewhat different ...

Andy said...

gonetomorrow has the right of it, even without schooling there is a tendency to signal one's virtues. You can get your bottom dollar that the "handlers" play on that to ensure the correct message is given.

Lord T said...

People are stupid. Just look around at your workmates and family members. Think what their views are on Trump, immigrants and politicians. Have conversations with them and find out that most just spout the propaganda from the TV and social media.

Someone who has brought up a kid who get abused by a spouse and continually goes back to that spouse till they are killed didn't take much time educating them. I realise I am generalising and there are exceptions but mainly these people are brought up as victims. So you can't expect those who bring them up to abandon the little principles they have.

JuliaM said...

"At least, that is my speculation."

You're almost certainly right. But does no-one have the nous to acquiesce until they get on stage, then let rip?

"But think about what values and cautions those parents will have inculcated their offspring with, and it all becomes clear."

This was a surprise attack, on the students and van driver alike. What values and customs, however wrong, could have assisted in their fate?

"...even without schooling there is a tendency to signal one's virtues."

I have... different virtues... to signal!

"... but mainly these people are brought up as victims."

When did this become a thing to aspire to!?

Anonymous said...

"This was a surprise attack, on the students and van driver alike. What values and customs, however wrong, could have assisted in their fate?"

With all due respect, if 'you' personally see a person/people from certain specific demographics approaching, or just in the area, do you: A) continue blithely onward unconcerned and unaware; B) cheerfully engage them in conversation; or C) avoid and take precautions against their (almost guaranteed) attack? If it's anything other than C) then you too are a victim waiting to happen ('those' statistics don't lie).

If you are indoctrinated from birth, by schools, media, .gov 'and' by you parents to place 'their' PC feelings above your own safety and that to avoid 'ethnics' is to be raciss then you don't stand a chance.

It was only a "surprise" to those too naive and blinded by those 'values and customs'.