Friday 30 June 2023

Oh, Hi, Chickens!

...can I offer you a roost?

Referral units for children who have been excluded from mainstream schools are warning that they are full to bursting because of unprecedented levels of disruptive behaviour across the country.
Is the 'C' word getting a mention here, perchance? Well, Reader, only obliquely...
Providers that take children excluded from mainstream schools say that after a lull during the pandemic, the situation has deteriorated, and they have seen permanent exclusions rising across the country in the past year.

So the pandemic was a good thing...? And not in any way a potential cause of this increase..? 

Dave McPartlin, head of Flakefleet primary school in Lancashire, said: “The additional need we are seeing in schools is absolutely unprecedented and everyone is seeing more behaviour problems.
He said complex needs were emerging much earlier too, with children in nursery and reception exhibiting emotional, social and communication issues.


I wonder what other treats we have in store from three years of covid shenanigans?


Anonymous said...

Let's have a breakdown of the statistics by race, ethnicity, colourt, and whether the area is Lib, Lab or Con.

James Higham said...

Are ASBOs still in operation?

JuliaM said...

"Let's have a breakdown of the statistics by race, ethnicity, colourt, and whether the area is Lib, Lab or Con."

We can guess, can't we?

"Are ASBOs still in operation?"

You don't hear about them any more, do you? My guess is they've undergone a re-branding. But are just as useless under whatever new moniker they go by...