Friday 9 June 2023

There's A Simple Answer Then, Isn't There?


And it's 'keep him behind bars until he tells the authorities where it is'...

Siddique Ali, 43, was identified after a public appeal from detectives but a Scotland Yard spokesman admitted his two dogs have still not been found.
A passing taxi driver broke the girl free from the dog’s grip and Ali left the area before police arrived.

If not for that taxi driver, the child could have been far more seriously injured. 

Ali, of Ackroyd Drive, Tower Hamlets, appeared at Snaresbrook Crown Court on Friday May 12 where he was sentenced to 14 months imprisonment for being in charge of a dog dangerously out of control causing injury to a person contrary to Section 3 of the Dangerous Dogs Act.
He was also banned from keeping a dog for 10 years and ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £187.

And we all know how that's never enforced or monitored... 


MTG said...

Locating stuff is not 'there' forte. The feculence characterising a UK police station is entirely due to a plod inability to find their own arses with two hands and a map.

Sgt Albert Hall said...

He will have sold them to another drug dealer.

JuliaM said...

"Locating stuff is not 'there' forte. "

And yet the preponderence of CCTV should help. In theory.