Wednesday 28 June 2023

Yes, I Just Bet You Would, Matt...

Describing the claims as 'hugely shocking', Skegness MP Matt Warman said it 'understandably raised a number of significant concerns'.
However, he added: 'I would ask that people resist the understandable desire to speculate on this case.'
...but if it's OK with you, and actually even if it's not, I'm going to.
Investigators are said to be working to determine whether he had any prior convictions before his arrival in the UK.

Maybe they should have done that before letting him - and all the others the RNLI and UK Border Force  escorted to our shores - run around free? 


Penseivat said...

Apparently, you're not allowed to call them illegal immigrants any more as, once they are collected by Border Farce and RNLI, and brought ashore, their entry to the country is not illegal as they have arrived under government authority. Either the numpties in Parliament are lying to us, and have been so from the start, or, the clowns really have taken over the asylum.

JuliaM said...

"Apparently, you're not allowed to call them illegal immigrants any more as, once they are collected by Border Farce and RNLI, and brought ashore, their entry to the country is not illegal as they have arrived under government authority. "

I plan to carry on calling them exactly what they are!