Thursday 1 June 2023

Shutting The Kennel Door...

Downing Street says work is underway to try and reduce dog attacks following a spate of incidents in Greater Manchester and across the country. Now, Downing Street says police, councils and animal welfare experts are teaming up to explore ways to reduce dog attacks and promote responsible ownership.
“There have been some horrific cases and our thoughts and sympathies are with those that have been affected,” the Prime Minister’s official spokesman told PA.

...after the fighting breeds have bolted. 

One thing you could do is issue stronger guidance to police farces to use the tools and opportunities they have to ensure none of these things can do it again:

North Yorkshire Police have had to evacuate a village recreation ground near Selby after a dog attacked its owner. The force said: “Police were called to Thorpe Willoughby at around 10.26am on 30 May to a report of a large, aggressive dog that was biting its owner.
"The dog was eventually contained in a high fenced area of a local park and the park was evacuated."

Great! Even the Elmer Fudds of the northern force can't miss, surely? 

"Officers contacted a number of animal experts including veterinary practices, the RSPCA, local zoos and wildlife park to request assistance with bringing the dog safely under control." "
The dog, described as an American bulldog and weighing around 50 kilogrammes, was eventually sedated by a vet and safely moved to a kennel."

What a pity Shotgun Cop wasn't taking a well earned break in Yorkshire... 

Police have seized dangerous dog on the loose after a teenage girl was attacked. Cops in Port Clarence were hunting the XL Bully-type breed after the 15-year-old was mauled and seriously injured on Monday night.
A spokesperson for the force has since confirmed the dog, understood to be aged between four and five, has been seized.
Cleveland Police told The Mirror on Tuesday morning that no arrests had been made in connection with the attack and an investigation is ongoing into what happened.

What more is there to 'investigate'..? 

H/T: @By_Pets via Twitter and The Jannie via email


Ian J said...

No questions, no second chances, these danerous animals should be killed at once. Just one person attacked/injured is one too many. Breeding them should be considered an offence, and existing animals (M&F) neutered. There are plenty of dog breed that can be kept safely, even by those not prepared to train and control them properly

Anonymous said...

Should have got the cops in , from Idaho, no questions asked, gun down two labs escaped from owners garden and holding up the traffic.
Oh dear

Sgt Albert Hall said...

Ian J has the right idea. All such dogs should be seized and destroyed by the police. No court, no long term kennels. Gone in an instant!

JuliaM said...

"No questions, no second chances, these danerous animals should be killed at once. "

And yet, as we saw in yesterday's Bedworth killing (I can't blog fast enough to keep up!), they aren't.

"Should have got the cops in , from Idaho, no questions asked, gun down two labs escaped from owners garden and holding up the traffic."

My Google-fu has let me down on this one...

"No court, no long term kennels. Gone in an instant!"

Agreed! They have no more evidential value alive over dead, surely?