Friday 16 June 2023

Good, Because That's Exactly The Signal It Should Send...

A mitigation plea was sent to the judge in April 2023 signed by groups including the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and the Royal College of Midwives. “We plead to Your Honour to consider leniency in this case … we are fearful that if the case before you receives a custodial sentence it may signal to other women who access tele-medical abortion services, or who experience later gestation deliveries, that they risk imprisonment if they seek medical care,” it said.

I can't add much to what's already been said at Tim's and Orphans', but I'll add this: 'Good!'

Because that's exactly what it should do. Especially if they knowingly lie about how far along they are when they do seek it. 


Anonymous said...

I find it odd that the people who are so vehemently pro abortion are those who are so vehemently against the death penalty for murder.

John Tee said...

"I find it odd ... "

Not the same. One kills the innocent, the other the guilty.

Anonymous said...

So murderers are innocent, and foetuses guilty?

Lord T said...

Make a note of these fuckers names. We will need them soon.

JuliaM said...

"I find it odd that the people who are so vehemently pro abortion are those who are so vehemently against the death penalty for murder."

You'll tie yourself in knots trying to find logic in those positions, from these people...

"Make a note of these fuckers names. We will need them soon."
