Friday 23 June 2023

Not Just On The Rail Network, Sgt Hardless...

Iriri appeared at Barkingside Magistrates’ Court on June 1 accused of three counts of harassment and possession of cannabis.
This was his third breach of a sexual notification requirement in three years.

So why isn't it bumped up out of the hands of the magistrates? 

Iriri was given a 26 week prison sentence.

Is that all? It should be 26 weeks for every...single...breach! 

Sergeant Hardless said: “There is simply no place for offenders like Iriri on the rail network...”

I'd argue there's no place for offenders like him in decent society. 


Anonymous said...

Barking station? Barking mad!

All he has to do is to play the race card, and he can go on doing it as long as he likes.

JuliaM said...

"All he has to do is to play the race card..."

Sadly true.