Friday 23 June 2023

Is It A Case For Mulder And Scully, Then, Carole..?

Cllr Carole North (Conservative, Woldingham) said she was “astounded” at what the committee could be agreeing to, claiming there was “no proof” that any of the dogs being walked by Ms Johnston had killed her with no autopsy report in front of the council.

Doesn't she read the newspsapers, then? 

Cllr Wren said a consultation was important to hear all the views on the issue so they could be brought back to the committee for a decision. She added: “This has come about because of a lot of people contacting us who were very, very concerned about the events in January of this year.

As well they might be... 

“And this is why the council, and why Councillor Lee, brought it to this committee. We as a council have a responsibility to the outpouring of fear and worry to say what are we going to do about this?” The committee agreed to launch a six-week consultation on a draft public space protection order on dog control in the district.

Frankly, all councils should be concerned with issues like this. And not woke/green nonsense. 


Anonymous said...

Come on, Julia. Do you believe newspapers? More fool you.

The point is that there was no autopsy report, and there should have been.

Besides, doesn't a black(ish) dog have a race card to play?

JuliaM said...

"The point is that there was no autopsy report, and there should have been."

Does she not read the papers? It's been very widely reported. If there's a requirement for it to be the subject of the debate it's down to the council. But it wouldn't materially change anything.