Saturday 17 June 2023

I'd Argue 'Justice' Is Exactly What You've Got...

Two police officers who followed two teenage boys on an electric bike shortly before it was involved in a fatal crash, sparking a riot in Cardiff, have been served gross misconduct notices.

This is an utter outrage. I'm not in favour of striking, but if every cop in the station where these two are based downs truncheons and walks out, I'll cheer them on... 

Family members welcomed the move by the IOPC but said they still feared they might not get justice for the boys.
One member of Harvey’s family said: “If they [the officers] had not done what they did, the boys would be at home with us now. We’re happy they have been served these notices but worried that it could get blown out of the water, that there could be a cover-up. We want justice for the families.”

What about 'if they [the children] had not done what they did..'? Or if, god forbid, their parents had instilled in them some self respect and discipline? 

But then, judging the area by this response, there's precious little of that to go around...

Earlier this month, South Wales police said 20 people – 17 males and three females aged between 14 and 36 – had been arrested in connection with the riot.
An open letter signed by more than 50 organisations and individuals including academics and campaigners and organised by the Cardiff Solidarity Group has called for an amnesty for them.
It says: “The unrest seen in Ely was an understandable emotional reaction to a tragedy that may or may not have been directly caused by the actions of South Wales police.”

Truly, an area/community gets the policing it deserves. So, let's see them get it. Good and hard.  


Anonymous said...

Family members...still feared they might not get justice for the boys.

justice = compo

Note that the miscreants are always shown in pictures of when they were much younger.

DAD said...

"What about 'if they [the children] had not done what they did..'? Or if, god forbid, their parents had instilled in them some self respect and discipline?".....

Or had not bought him the 'bike in the first place.....

Or had bought him a crash helmet and made him wear it......

Or had, also, bought him Insurance to compensate others who he injured or property damaged....


Lord T said...

Ely is the UK's equivalent of San Fransisco. A hell hole made by the citizens.

If I were plod I'd be rushing to the scene of any crime there in 1st gear. Just in case, plus I wouldn't see anything that was going on when I go there and I'd be calling for backup to arrest a toddler. They need to band together like they have in the US. No speeding or parking fines, no arresting anyone in case we have a George Floyd moment. Let Ely get on with it on their own.

And I'd also roll that out the all the officers and bean counters who supported this in the plod.

Anonymous said...

I would guess that none of those "academics" live on the shit-hole estate these vermin infested. I bet none of them had their cars burnt out or their windows smashed either during those emotional times.

I cling to the knowledge that for every idiot that supports these rioters there are millions of quiet decent people that don't. Perhaps I'm wrong , I really hope not though.


KJP said...

"the boys would be at home with us now". More likely they would be out somewhere breaking and entering.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps I'm mistaken, but that video of the Police van following the two little shits, appears to have been doctored, and the van was about 15 seconds behind them. The van turned off, as there were bollards at the end of that road, which the van couldn't get through, and it was half a mile away when the riders decided to head butt an ambulance.
Also, the parents had a responsibility to stop their children UNLAWFULLY ride a vehicle which requires a driving licence, insurance, and head gear.
The main fault of the Police was being in the same country as two little twats seeking a Darwin award.
Still, that's two !others who can no longer claim child allowance. That should save the country a bob or two.

Northish said...

The article states that the Police initially denied that any chase had taken place. An event like a Police chase is probably not rare in Ely and there would have been many witnesses. To deny that a chase had taken place was incompetant or stupid as it was almost certain to be recorded on at least one cctv. There is no excuse for the riot, but it is hardly surprising given that the Police initially denied something that the whole area would have heard about. It should have been checked before the statement was issued. How long would it have taken to ask every police officer on duty when the crash happened if they had been chasing a motorbike with a police van, just in case the report of the chase hadn't been submitted or read at that time.

JuliaM said...

"justice = compo"

Spot on!

"Or had, also, bought him Insurance to compensate others who he injured or property damaged...."

Futile to expect regard for others from people like this.

"Ely is the UK's equivalent of San Fransisco. A hell hole made by the citizens."

The sensible ones will have already left by now.

"I would guess that none of those "academics" live on the shit-hole estate these vermin infested."

Heaven forfend!

"More likely they would be out somewhere breaking and entering."

Again, spot on!

"...that video of the Police van following the two little shits, appears to have been doctored..."

Yes, I thought that too...

"To deny that a chase had taken place was incompetant or stupid as it was almost certain to be recorded on at least one cctv. "

I guess the police do really genuinely 'represent the community they serve'...🙄