Saturday 30 June 2012

Bring On The Single Issue Loons…

…especially the hoplophobic ones:
Parent and youth groups have condemned a shooting group for offering shotgun and air rifle lessons to eight-year-olds.
Yes. Because teaching kids the responsible handling of firearms is the wrong thing to do!

Who’s up first?
Fredi Nwaka, from the Fathers Together group, which runs a Fathers Against Guns campaign, said: “I think it is absolutely ridiculous and should be called off. Children are extremely impressionable and this group needs to very careful what they promote.
“Guns are extremely powerful and a lot of adults get a huge rush from firing them. That’s why many will go to ranges.
“But children are not fully developed and getting them into guns at that age is a recipe for disaster.”
Well, no. Not if you are teaching them the responsible handling of firearms, it’s not.

Or would you rather they learned that from TV, video games and rap music videos on YouTube?
Chrissie Hall, from the Infer Trust anti-firearms group, said: “It is potentially very dangerous because they are normalising and glorifying the use of guns.
Eight-year-olds can’t go and watch films which depict gun violence but they can get hold of a deadly weapon and shoot things – it just doesn’t seem right.”
Yes, you’re clearly right, no eight-year-old in this country has ever viewed a violent film…

*rolls eyes*
A spokeswoman for Mothers Against Murder and Aggression (Ed: Odd name. Isn’t that a given? Or is there a group out there called ‘Mothers for Murder and Aggression’…?) said: “Playing with guns is not something that eight-year-olds should be doing.
I can think of hundreds of other activities they could do instead between 9am and 4.40pm.”
Like mugging, knifing, vandalising..?
Sussex Police said that they had no problems with the event being held as long as the organisers had “safety in mind” .
Well, quite! You can never be too careful where firearms are concerned, can you?
The event, which costs £20, will also include gun dog and foxhound demonstrations, fly casting tuition and falconry.
Great! Now all the anti—blood sports people can have a moan as well…


Quiet_Man said...

I've been handling shotguns and air rifles (and pistols) since I was around 7 or 8. Never ever felt the urge to use them other than what they're for (sport and pest control) And as this event is doing, learned how to behave responsibly with them. But alas some people, including the powers that be seem to believe the only route is for the agents of the government to be armed and we all trust the government, don't we????

Carruthers said...

#The event, which costs £20, will also include gun dog and foxhound demonstrations, fly casting tuition and falconry#

We all know the sub-text here.
These are English country pursuits and therefore considered extremely dangerous by the leftards.

Captain Haddock said...

" …especially the hoplophobic ones" ..

Err .. would they be folk who are frightened of beer then ? .. ;)

"Fathers Against Guns" .. I'd have been considerably more careful in choosing the name of my group .. given its possible, nay, probable abbreviation .. ;)

Like QM, I've been around firearms for a very long time too, though I've never actually owned one ..

The first firearm I ever used, as a 12 yr old cadet was a No:4 .303 rifle, re-bored to .22 ..

The last firearm I used was a Glock 17, shortly before my retirement in 2003 ..

In the intervening years, I've been lucky enough to have used many of the world's firearms .. from handguns to heavy machine guns .. but always considered them as "tools of the trade", just like a carpenter regards his tools .. after use, they were cleaned, lightly oiled and returned to storage .. in my case, the armoury ..

Jiks said...

F.A.G. indeed, I really hope that was played for in a Team America: World Police reference...

These single issue groups would do well to remember that anything can be used as a weapon. I suspect the most commonly used one is the human body, though I probably should not mention this or that will be banned too.

ivan said...

The first question should be, who is behind these people?

Te second, why do they want a disarmed population?

We all knew about guns and their handling in the 40s and 50s. in my youth I was given an air gun for my 6th birthday and a shotgun for my 10th. The thing was we were taught to use them responsibly.

Like Captain Haddock, I too fired a .303 rifle in the cadets, since then I have owned and used several guns from a 9mm Luger to an AK47.

There is nothing intrinsically wrong with a gun, it is a tool like any other tool. Problems can arise when people are not taught how to use them responsibly so this event should be applauded for what it is doing.

Pavlov's Cat said...

A spokeswoman for Mothers Against Murder and Aggression (Ed: Odd name. Isn’t that a given?

I think that's what's called a back-cronym . Start with what you want to call your org in short form in this case MAMA , catchy , maternal etc.

Then make the words fit even if they are ridiculous as no one will ever say it in full.

Tatty said...

I'd bet the very same people have no problem with teaching children how to fuck each other.'s subjective, dontchaknow.

Anonymous said...

Don't these tosspots have anything better to do?


staybryte said...

So, liberal opinion holds that early sex and drug "education" is an unalloyed good which promotes responsible decision making and favourable outcomes, while early experience around firearms turns out psychopaths?

JuliaM said...

"But alas some people, including the powers that be seem to believe the only route is for the agents of the government to be armed and we all trust the government, don't we?"

Well, quite! As Ivan points out, who benefits from a disarmed population?

"...but always considered them as "tools of the trade", just like a carpenter regards his tools.."

That is, when all's said and dome, what they are, after all.

"F.A.G. indeed, I really hope that was played for in a Team America: World Police reference.."


"So, liberal opinion holds that early sex and drug "education" is an unalloyed good which promotes responsible decision making and favourable outcomes, while early experience around firearms turns out psychopaths?"

A damned good point. It's almost like they no longer even recognise cognitive dissonance, isn't it?