Friday 15 June 2012

No, It Shows Something Else, Actually...

Detective Chief Inspector Simon Crisp, who was in charge of the investigation, said the case showed how dangerous hard drugs and their substitutes were in a family environment.
And that's that leaving a pair of drug addicts in charge of a child of any age, but particularly a baby, is like tossing it over the wall of the gorilla enclosure at Jersey Zoo.

Wait. Sorry, my mistake. The gorillas have more sense and compassion.

They have more than the local social services, too, clearly. Maybe they should hire some gorillas?


Robert the Biker said...

Smackheads are really beyond help IMO.They have to any reasoned definition murdered this child, but we will all be expected to be 'understanding' and 'compassionate' rather than banging them up forever.

James Higham said...

Robert is probably close to it here.

JuliaM said...
