Sunday 10 June 2012

I Got 99 Problems But My Pitch Ain't One...

...oh, wait. I spoke too soon:
Mr Whippy, seller Zeheer Ramzan, then smashed the window of the Mr Yummy van, driven by Mohammed Mulla, with a tyre lever.
But Mr Mulla, who had apparently driven to Blackburn, Lancashire, from his usual, home turf in Halifax, West Yorkshire, lost his cool and rammed his van into the rear of the other.
The clash was filmed by shocked father-of-four Mobeen Quizam who uploaded it to YouTube where hundreds of ice-cream fans have already posted comments.
Some fine old Lancashire & Yorkshire names there, by gum!

Of course, they know how to do this sort of thing properly in Glasgow!


Anonymous said...

Ice cream fans? Is there such a thing? Is it like when Baskin-Robbins go on tour with a new flavour and groupies throw their knickers at them? And how many of these fans are there? I'd like to think it's hundreds and thousands..

... I'll get me coat.

Anonymous said...

I feel further culturally enriched than I did before I read that article. Beautiful.

Dr Cromarty said...

Is that ice cream halal, effendi?

Anonymous said...

Is that ice cream halal, effendi?

You'll get your nuts crushed if you ask that again...

... Okay, okay, I was on my way out anyway.

Jim said...

This reminds me of that Peter Kay one off about warring ice cream van owners. In the good old days when he was funny.

Anonymous said...

Was Mulla mad?

Furor Teutonicus said...

XX Dr Cromarty said...

Is that ice cream halal, effendi?XX

Probably. And that is the problem.

Anonymous said...


blueknight said...

sundae drivers!

blueknight said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JuliaM said...

"Ice cream fans? Is there such a thing?"

It's the Internet. There always seems to be such a thing!

"sundae drivers!"
