Saturday 22 April 2017

How To Get Publicity 101...

Packham’s latest venture is the design of a range of free to download T-shirt motifs including ‘Killing Wildlife for Fun is a Dying Business’ and ‘Safer in Outer Space’, which relates to the declining tiger population.
“I doubt whether there is a single safe enclave on earth for the tiger,” he explains.
Maybe we should spend all that vast sum of charitable cash to send the last few to the moon”.
...say something so daft the media just has to advertise your latest money-making scheme. Lesson over.
He is, however, confident that is it only ‘a matter of time’ before the mistreatment of animals comes to an end – and he won’t stop until it does.
“I feel positive and optimistic at the moment, as I feel we’re making progress more rapidly. I want to make a small difference before I die, we can’t rest until everything is sorted.”
The 'small difference' being to his bank balance, as is the reference to getting everything 'sorted'...


Andy said...

Daytime TV is awash with are for animal charities. Cat rescue, dog rescue, donkey rescue, I'm thinking of starting up a fake charity for goldfish rescue. Should be worth a few bob, unless Packham gets there before me.

JuliaM said...

I wouldn't underestimate his turn of speed when there's cash to be made...