Wednesday 26 April 2017

Chocolate Teapots Protest Their Unfair Comparison To Kirklees Police Farce...

“I’m still traumatised by it now. I’ve had no apology or contact with the dog’s owner who just watched what happened and didn’t say anything.
“It just can’t be right that nothing is done to stop this happening again.”
How is it that nothing is done? Why, because the police won't act. Again.
Janet contacted police again in February and gave a formal statement along with a neighbour. she also gave permission for police to contact the hospital about her injuries.
However, last Saturday an officer came to her home to tell her no charges would be brought against the dog’s owner.
One wonders why...
In a statement West Yorkshire Police said: “Police were called to an incident on Thornhill Road, Longwood, on July 6 last year in which a dog was killed.
“An investigation was carried out into the circumstances and how the two dogs came into contact. The owner of the deceased dog had received a minor wound to her leg while trying to intervene and required hospital treatment.”
A fairly bland statement for a shocking incident.
Temporary Inspector Jo Wolff, of Kirklees District Police, said: “We spoke at length with both parties involved as part of this investigation, including the owner of the deceased dog who has understandably been very upset by what took place.
“An 82-year-old woman voluntarily attended one of our police stations and was spoken to by officers. The matter was dealt with by way of community resolution, as agreed by both the victim and the suspect.
It doesn't sound like the complainant agreed at all.

And it doesn't sound like it's all that safe to have a known aggressive dog that has attacked other dogs before, and now killed one and injured its owner, in the hands of a pensioner who can't or won't control it, does it?

One wonders just what sort of protected species this 82 year old lurcher owner belongs to...


MTG said...

Here in Huddersfield, police are far 'too busy' in speed trap hideouts to investigate reported crime. And this is the first criticism of the impeccable temporary Inspector, Jo Wolff. A cardboard effigy with looped speaker, Jo incorporates the very latest feature of pre-recorded excuses. Try to keep up, Julia!

JuliaM said...

I'm doing my best!