Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Is This Scaremongering Or..?

The former head of the civil service, economist Gus O'Donnell, has now warned the UK is "facing a literacy crisis".
Lord O'Donnell, chairman of Pro Bono Economics, told the Wake Up to Money programme it was "unacceptable" that several million adults had "very poor literacy skills", calling the issue a "long-term problem".
Oh, come on! What evidence is there for this? 

*reads Twitter* 

Never mind...


MrMC said...

I find it increasingly irritating to hear some on TV strangle the English language, such as that idiot Ryan Clarke who manages to combine talking like a prebescent girl with a complete inability to pronounce the letter "T" or uses "f" instead of "th".

That bloody advert where he refers to this country as Bri h en.

Stonyground said...

Part of me gets annoyed when I see examples of poor grammar and spelling. Then I try to convince myself that, as long as someone gets their meaning across, it shouldn't be that big a deal. You would expect that having poor writing skills would limit your choices when it comes to employment but this doesn't seem to be the case. Even people who write for a living seem to be semi literate nowadays.

This post has been proof read twice in the hope that I don't become a victim of Muphry's Law.

MTG 1 said...

As I recall, you were the one to correct my spelling of colour to 'color', JuliaM.

I couldn't dismiss the idea of a spelling refresher course providing welcome self-improvement and make your lampooning of the Mail, a tad more credible.

MrMC said...

I put it down to my poor eyesight and the battery running out on my remote keyboard...


But then again, I am not paid for my prose...now where do I keep the bloody AA batteries...keyboard is flashing red again

DAD said...

I know that a cat has (supposedly) nine lives, but eleven !

Stonyground said...

Ha ha, Muphry's Law got you instead. For those not aware, this is law that says that if you are pontificating about spelling and grammar you will inevitably make a mistake in your post. Oddly, I didn't spot the error until you pointed it out.

JuliaM said...

"...a complete inability to pronounce the letter "T" or uses "f" instead of "th"."

Innit, like..?

"This post has been proof read twice in the hope that I don't become a victim of Muphry's Law."


"As I recall, you were the one to correct my spelling of colour to 'color', JuliaM."

Your recollection is clearly sharper than mine, then!

"I know that a cat has (supposedly) nine lives, but eleven !"
