Wednesday 16 March 2011

Expect A Rise In Rickets…

A school wants to protect pupils from harmful UV rays by putting up shades in its playground.

Staff at West Hove Junior School in Portland Road, Hove, say the “sail shades” will protect youngsters from the sun as they learn and play outside.
So will suncream, FFS!
Skin experts have praised the scheme and said that more schools could follow the move.
Well, of course they have. I guess they don't read any medical research that's published about anything other than skin, though.


manwiddicombe said...

The school is surrounded by fast food businesses, a major road (bus route) and a railway line. How long before they 'need to do something' to deal with these issues?


Macheath said...

manwiddicombe got there before me.

And of course, the shades themselves may present a problem...

PT said...

Shame on you, school staff and skin experts both! How myopic of you all, to consider only solar radiation as a risk to children's skin. What about that abrasive playground surface? Are not the chairs and desks and walls inside the school also slightly abrasive? What steps have you taken to eliminate the hazard from paper cuts? And have none of you ever seen the effect on skin of prolonged exposure to that dangerous chemical dihydrogen monoxide? If I had the time (my time to be charged to the taxpayer, naturally) I'm sure I could come up with lots more hazards to children's skin, the elimination of any or all of which could provide gainful employment for *specially selected* contractors.

Ian B said...

Well, one other thing here regarding the rickets from lack of sunlight thing in the last link...

That's a byproduct in fact of another bourgeois hysteria. About meat and fat. Parents aren't feeding their children enough animal fats any more. For their "health".

Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin. Fats are rich in vitamins, because animals store their vitamims in their fat. That is why they are called fat soluble vitamins.

So, you get hystrical about fat. You feed your children hardly any meat, and what there is is as dry as a bone. "Lean". They don't get enough vitamins. They get rickets.

You blame computer games. You pretend that in the past the entire population sat outside all day in blazing sunlight eating mackerel.

So goes the collapse of reason in the western world.

JuliaM said...

"How long before they 'need to do something' to deal with these issues? "

And how long before the parents start wondering what the teachers are doing with their time, since little Johnny still can't read?

"And of course, the shades themselves may present a problem..."

It's a perfect storm of compo waiting to happen!

"...I'm sure I could come up with lots more hazards to children's skin, the elimination of any or all of which could provide gainful employment for *specially selected* contractors."

Who said there were no investment opportunities any more? ;)

"So goes the collapse of reason in the western world."

Good point! And they call it 'progress'...

Furor Teutonicus said...

XX learn and play outside. XX


Speechless really.