Monday 28 March 2011

Judges Say The Funniest Things!

The judge Mr Justice Alistair MacDuff told him: 'The tragedy here, mainly for Shelley Barnes but also for you, began when you invited her into your home.
'Up to that time yours was a blameless life and you had, and still have, much to commend you. The trigger for this wicked crime can never be known, what it was that caused you to act so out of character and take her life away.'
I’m not sure quite what a man who strangled and smothered a woman to death over an alleged (note that, ‘Daily Mail’, alleged….) theft of £15 would have to commend him.

But I’m not a high court judge, so what do I know?


Anonymous said...

"The trigger for this wicked crime "

The oppertunity to unleash a psychotic deviance in their personality previously kept under control, perhaps ?

Captain Haddock said...

One doesn't need to be a complete prat to become a Judge ..

But it certainly helps ..

Ancient and tattered airman said...

Au contaire, mon Capitaine. It is a pre-requisite. :-(

JuliaM said...

"The oppertunity to unleash a psychotic deviance in their personality previously kept under control, perhaps ?"

That's always a possibility.

"One doesn't need to be a complete prat to become a Judge ..

But it certainly helps .."
