Monday 21 March 2011

Consequences, Douglas Alexander…?

There won’t be any for you, will there?
Those now advocating the use of force have to accept that it can have unforeseen and often unpredictable consequences.
After all, we can’t make a British PM Peace Envoy to the Middle East twice running, can we?


Captain Haddock said...

If the UK really wanted to sink Gadaffi & settle his hash once and for all ..

We ought to send McSnot .. guaranteed to scuttle anything & everything he touches ..

But don't you just love the sheer hypocrisy of Pseudo-Dave's "third-party" wailing ?

"We won't let him do this to his own people etc, etc" ..

So why have you & successive generations of British politicians stood by, thumbs-up-bums, minds in neutral and doing a creditable "Nelson" whilst that mad bastard Mugabe systematically raped a once profitable country and committed atrocities against his political rivals ?

Go on Dave .. or Dougie, I'd love to hear your logic ..

Lynne said...

The Fuck-up Fairy is wearing a shit eating grin and polishing her wand as we speak...

UK Fred said...

I gather the military say we cannot target Gadhafi but can we target B-Liar and B-Ruin. Please....

B-liar should be somehere in the middle east, so he shouldn't be too difficult for British aircraft, and Kirkaldy is near enough the middle east for the Yanks.

JuliaM said...

"But don't you just love the sheer hypocrisy of Pseudo-Dave's "third-party" wailing ?"

Oh,. I do indeed.

"The Fuck-up Fairy is wearing a shit eating grin and polishing her wand as we speak..."

Following yesterday's killing of Gaddafi's son, we appear to be on the same side (in another country's civil war) as people who use jets as suicide machines.

The Fuck-Up Fairy stayed in bed, while the Horrible Irony Fairy took over...

"I gather the military say we cannot target Gadhafi..."

Which hasn't pleased iDave, who is showing all the political nous in this as....well, as Gordoom, actually. I wonder if he's started hurling Nokias yet?