Tuesday 29 March 2011

Just When You Think Yasmin Has Said The Most Stupid Thing She’ll Ever Say…

…she manages to top it:
My husband, daughter and I should have joined fellow-citizens who marched on Saturday against the cuts demanded by fundamentalist, doctrinaire Tories and their helpful little Lib Dem friends.
And no doubt you’ve a good reason why you didn’t?
But I had earlier agreed to speak at the annual conference of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions ( ICAHD)…
How fortunate. But presumably your family went without you? No?
Several people in the audience wanted to join the marchers too, but the plight and pain of Palestinians mattered more. Of course.
Hell, Yaz, there were fringe-issue loons on that march of all types. What’s a few more?
That doesn't mean the London demonstration was decadent and self-serving.
Indeed. The fact that the people marching were mostly decadent and self-serving is what makes it that…
On the Today programme, they were really tickled by the "funny" and "witty" posters, as if that was the point. The sneers and distractions made no impact on the people who are fighting for their own lives and the life of our nation.
Eh..? Who’s at risk of being killed, then?

Since when has a moderate scaling back of the amount of government spending been DOOM! And CATACYSM!..?
Over the past year we have heard reasoned arguments and genuine concern from nurses, teachers, doctors, academics, and charity workers; from bosses, local government staff, arts organisations, writers, journalists, civil servants, students and their parents; from socially conscientious entrepreneurs, childcare experts, psychologists and other mental-health workers; from Keynesian economists, environmentalists, refugees and asylum-seekers; from black and Asian equality and human rights activists; from actors, playwrights, comedians, school governors, trustees, funders, the police, fire-fighters, industrial workers, ordinary bank staff and on and on.
Apart from the mention of ‘ordinary bank staff’ and ‘industrial workers’, it’s hard not to notice that Yaz’s carefully selected list of ‘ordinary people’ is made up mostly of people dependent on the state.

Even the entrepreneurs are qualified as ‘socially conscious’. Presumably, those not sufficiently socially-conscious are those hundreds of thousands who didn’t go on the march?
Sticks were thrown, we were told, and Boots somewhere "was forced to close its shutters". RBS had paint thrown over it and poor (not) Fortnum and Mason was brutally violated. It shouldn't have happened but it is nothing compared to the vandalism of this government.
See, it’s not nice, admittedly, but it’s perfectly OK to riot in central London and destroy the property of a third party if you can claim that you are doing it to protect others from even worse violence. Yaz here is clearly on the same wavelength as fellow rent-a-mouth 'New Statesman' blogger @PennyRed, as Charon QC points out.

So I guess, by that logic, the Israelis are getting the green light from you to raze Gaza to the ground the next time there’s a car bomb, eh?
Even if five blind and deaf men and women and one pushchair had turned up, for sure the next day there would have been reports of "mayhem".
I can’t see how even the ‘Mirror’ could fake that, Yaz…
This time next year we will be living in a country we barely recognise and only a lucky few will thrive in.
Yes, yes, the living will surely envy the dead… *yawn*


Captain Haddock said...

The problem with "Yas the Spaz" is that what she says is so muffled ..

Someone really ought to have a quiet word .. and tell her to remove her knickers from around the bit she talks through ..

Quiet_Man said...

Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, like Polly Toynbee, a gift that keeps on giving.

The faux Islington leftists truly live on another planet to the rest of us.

staybryte said...

She spouted that column virtually word-for-word on Jeremy Vine yesterday.

Edwin Greenwood said...

"...and tell her to remove her knickers from around the bit she talks through."

Thank you for that, Captain. The though of Yaz going commando has made me feel quite ill. I shall now have to spend the day bathing my brain in amnesiogenous quantities of alcohol.

Caring 'n' Rioting said...

"Several people in the audience wanted to join the marchers too, but the plight and pain of Palestinians mattered more"

So, did the Yas stop them? If so, how did she? I believe those attendees had every right to stop caring about the "Palestinians" (aka the Gaza Strip Terrorists) and rush off to care about something else. Perhaps the silver-tongued Yas persuaded them to stay, or perhaps someone locked the doors.

Or just maybe they didn't know which way to go. You can't spend your life always turning left, as you go round in circles.

Edwin Greenwood said...

"This time next year we will be living in a country we barely recognise."

Don't worry, Yaz love, some of us have decades of experience of living in a country we barely recognize. You never get used to it but you do develop coping strategies. I stand ready to advise you.

PT Barnum said...

Yasmin wrote: "Even if five blind and deaf men and women and one pushchair had turned up."

I don't know whether to be enchanted or baffled by the notion of a pushchair attending a demo. And isn't she also demeaning the capacities of the disabled to riot?

English Viking said...

Why don't the IDF do something REALLY uselful, and pop her off?

Mjolinir said...

@PTB - //the notion of a pushchair attending a demo.//

Perhaps Jody's chair has done enough of these events, it now goes on its own?

BTW - you'd think that - in the interests of inclusiveness-n-diversity - the 'organisers' of these events/ marches/ demos (including ICAHD) would avoid Saturdays?

Zaphod said...

Is it possible that her whole career is an elaborate hoax, a spoof of some kind? Seriously!

Anonymous said...

Poor Yasmin, ever since her extra-ordinary rendition from Uganda she's been tortured on a daily basis by being forced to live amongst those she hates.

If only there were sufficient space for her to live out her days in peaceful religious study in her beloved Palestine.

JuliaM said...

"The faux Islington leftists truly live on another planet to the rest of us."

Don.t they just...

"She spouted that column virtually word-for-word on Jeremy Vine yesterday."

Sadly, my iPhone radio app seems to have a problem with the feed from R2, so I don't get to listen in the office as often now.

Probably helps my blood pressure, though.

"You can't spend your life always turning left, as you go round in circles."

That seems to be the most fashionable 'movement' lately...

" And isn't she also demeaning the capacities of the disabled to riot?"

Quite! I'm sure that's a crime in this multiculti diverse world.

JuliaM said...

"Perhaps Jody's chair has done enough of these events, it now goes on its own?"


"Is it possible that her whole career is an elaborate hoax..."

It would be nice to think so.