Friday 25 March 2011

When Two Tribes Go To War….

..the best thing to do is sit back with a big tub of popcorn and watch the fun:
Soaring food inflation is the result of "immoral" policies in the US which divert crops for use in the production of biofuels instead of food, according to the chairman of one of the world's largest food companies.
Yes, it’s Humanitarians vs Green Fruitcakes.

And Obama has manoeuvred himself right into the middle of it, with unerring accuracy and precision:
Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, the chairman of Nestlé, lashed out at the Obama administration for promoting the use of ethanol made from corn, at the expense of hundreds of millions of people struggling to afford everyday basics made from the crop.
… he reserved especially pointed remarks for US agriculture secretary Tom Vilsack, who he said was making "absolutely flabbergasting" claims for the country's ability to cope with rising domestic and global demand for corn.
That hasn’t pleased the famously-prickly Obama (mal)administration:
Speaking to farmers earlier this month, the Obama administration's agriculture secretary said he found arguments from the like of Nestlé "irritating".
Note that: ‘irritating’. Not ‘wrong’, or ‘malicious’, but ‘irritating’.

Very telling….
Mr Vilsack said: "The folks advancing this argument either do not understand or do not accept the notion that our farmers are as productive and smart and innovative and creative enough to meet the needs of food and fuel and feed and export."
They only have so much land and so many hours in the day, though, don’t they?


Macheath said...

' hundreds of millions of people struggling to afford everyday basics made from the crop'

Would those everyday basics include the high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) that is the commonest sweetener used world-wide in soft drinks?

So the people have no food? Then let them drink Coke.

Washington Hogwash said...

Obama and his amateurish, left-centric and utterly incompetent administration are notoriously thin-skinned. Say what you like about the evil Boosh but at least he was willing to take any criticisms like a man and not like, well, someone who isn't.

Mrs Erdleigh said...

Don't scoff all the popcorn too soon, I'm looking forward to the melee when a ban is proposed on this leading cause of cancer :

Oral sex could be hazardous to your health.

So say researchers who note that oral cancer stemming from the human papilloma virus is more common in the U.S. than oral cancer caused by abusing tobacco.

JuliaM said...

"So the people have no food? Then let them drink Coke."


"Say what you like about the evil Boosh but at least he was willing to take any criticisms like a man and not like, well, someone who isn't."

A lot of US bloggers always raise the subject of the Obamas' narcissism. It's a feature of that, isn't it, that prickliness..?

" I'm looking forward to the melee when a ban is proposed on this leading cause of cancer.."