Tuesday 23 August 2011

A ‘Cultural Tradition’ We Should Not Tolerate…

A Darwen woman has been treated for a wrist injury after a group of 30 men descended on her house.
Police said the incident, which occurred at 10pm on Monday in London Terrace, followed an altercation at a nearby shop between the woman’s son and the shop owner.
Hmmmm, tell me more…
A 24-year-old man, believed to be a resident of the house, had been cautioned for making racist and abusive comments.
Ah! A local chav decided to kick up at the local ‘Asian’ store or off-licence and has been dealt with by the law in this country, as you’d expect.

But what about that mob?
The shop owner is believed to have mobilised a group of up to 30 family and friends to track the son down to his home in London Terrace.

The group of Asian men also smashed a car window in the street before dispersing when police arrived at the scene.
Ah. Now, that’s a horse of a rather different colour, isn’t it?
Last night, none of the group had been traced and police were making house-to-house inquiries.

Start with the shopkeeper, then, plod, and sweat him for the names. Christ, it’s not rocket science, is it?

Comments are illuminating, as always.

I too wonder if this will make the national media.

And I too consider that, had this been a gang of other nationalities descending en masse to an ‘Asian’ woman’s house to shout and smash things, the headlines would be in 72 point glaring bold type with exclamation marks…


Anonymous said...


Shopkeeper is racially abused by gobby little scrote.

Shopkeeper tells his mates and go round to give said scrote the kicking he so richly deserves.

Reading on the sympathy for the "victim" meter = 0.

JuliaM said...

We have the rule of law in this country for a reason, don't we?

In fact, debased as it might currently ne, I still believe it's preferable to the alternative. The alternative being destruction of (possibly someone innocent's) property and the harming of a third-party...

SBC said...

Recently in our area:

Mr.Patell: "I shall be going round to be remonstrating with this boy's father, this Mr.Shinar's Basket Casing"

PC Peeler: "You don't want to do that, Sir. You REALLY REALLY don't want to do that"

Gallovidian said...

"Shopkeeper tells his mates and go round to give said scrote the kicking he so richly deserves."

You support thirty Pakistanis who attacked and beat a British woman in her own home. I sincerely wish you and your family all the benefits of multiculturalism up close and personal, may you get every last ounce of it.

MTG said...

Plod's response to such incidents is for want of a better word, coloured.

This is the point, gentlemen.

Anonymous said...

"so richly deserves"

Judge, jury and executioner. why the flying fuck bother with any laws.

Anonymous said...

What continues to amaze me when I stray on campus to earn some corn Julia is that some would regard your presentation of this as racist - and a good many more not stand up to say it ain't.

'Asian mobbing' is a serious problem that needs stamping on.

Ranter said...

I suppose the racist chav is lucky he wasn't beheaded in public and the woman with a sprained wrist wasn't buried up to her neck in the ground and stoned!

Budvar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Budvar said...

I see Henry, so if you and I have a difference of opinion that gets a little heated, you're well OK with me rounding up the "Homies" to smash up your car and kick in your door?

You're well into the red and bending the needle of my "Sanctomonious-Twat-O-meter".

Anonymous said...

Yes we have "Rule of Law" but we saw how much respect there is for that and how ineffectual plod were in enforcing said rule of law a couple of weeks ago.

Had the shopkeeper reported the scrote to the police, he would have got the usual slap on the wrist. You know, the one's you are always /facepaplming?

Besides, I'm thinking that only half the story has been reported.

And there's fat chance that a bunch of Pakistanis are going to come round to mine to have a go about my kids. I brought them up better than to go gobbing off to shopkeepers.

Budvar, I suspect it was more than a little "difference" of opinion. If I called you a "fucking Paki", I should expect nothing less.

Gallovidian said...

When the inevitable happens in this country, where will you go? With them? Will they welcome you? Henry?

Anonymous said...


"The inevitable"? What's that then?
We'll all be overrun by multiculturalists? Really?

The Mo I see you said...

As we know, Sharia law is so superior. Acid in a schoolgirl's face for daring to be educated, genital mutilation for young woman in case she might gain pleasure, honour killings because a real man and his family are so easily wronged...

As for mobs, a relative of mine worked at a place where an asian male was showing off in his car and ran into a pedestrian. He was arrested, whereupon hordes of 'cousins' were summoned to descend on the police station to demand his immediate release as they were all witnesses to say the white woman had jumped in front of his car.

Don't worry. It's just their culture, innit?

Captain Haddock said...

Boot .. other foot ?

30 arrests in double-quick time ..

"Vigilantism will not be tolerated, nothing to see here, move along now" ..

And that isn't Racism .. its FACT !

Budvar said...

"If I called you a "fucking Paki", I should expect nothing less".

Henry, I take back what I said regarding you being a sanctimonious twat, You're a world class, weapons grade *CUNT*!!

If you feel that calling someone a "Fucking whatever" warrants sending 30 fuckos round, what sanction you think justifies a bump in the street or perceived funny look?

All I can say is if he sent 30 fuckos to my house, he wouldn't be in business for too much longer.

Anonymous said...

@Budvar, boo fucking hoo. I'll be up all night with worry.

Ringmer said...

Thanks for the offer Henry, but the rule of law firmly applied is a much better alternative to the ethnic flash mobs you favour.

We're not in Mogadishu or Karachi.
Not quite.
Not yet.

Anonymous said...

Just when you were beginning to lose faith in human nature, along comes a debate to restore one's confidence.

Gallovidian said...

Ethnic flash mobs attacking White people, I thought for a sec you were referring to the Wisconsin State Fair incident covered in so much detail by the MSM.

BlOnC, but not when they are rioting.

David Gillies said...

Henry: nasty bigoted little scrotes abusing people: bad. Rounding up two dozen equally awful scrotes to go round and 'sort it out': bad.

We poke fun at Jaded et al. but it's a bloody horrible, thankless task getting in the middle of that. I've never been on the wrong side of the desk when it comes to the cops (mirabile dictu - a meek little middle class boy like me knows several cops only 'cos one of 'em bleedin' well married my auntie, and it appears to be a hereditary profession.)

As in so many thungs in life, this seems to be on where Henry Kissinger famous dictum applies: it's a shame they can't both lose.

JuliaM said...

"Judge, jury and executioner. why the flying fuck bother with any laws."

Precisely. We only have a thin, sparse report to go on. Who knows what went on? Only the shopkeeper, the 25 year old, and any witnesses.

He might not be guilty, even if he DID accept a caution.

Not that if he WAS guilty, it'd make this acceptable.

"'Asian mobbing' is a serious problem that needs stamping on."

Agreed. Those who praise the mob never believe they will turn on them.

"Yes we have "Rule of Law" but we saw how much respect there is for that and how ineffectual plod were in enforcing said rule of law a couple of weeks ago."

You forget, Henry, they didn't go to the cops, get a lackadaisical response, and decide to take it from there. They skipped the 'going to the cops' part altogether.

"And there's fat chance that a bunch of Pakistanis are going to come round to mine to have a go about my kids. "

You forget 'mistaken identity'. You can't reason with a mob, and there's no court of appeal.

"Boot .. other foot ?

30 arrests in double-quick time .."

Yup, I bet!

"We're not in Mogadishu or Karachi.
Not quite.
Not yet."

But, in some areas, we're getting there.

Anonymous said...

"You forget, Henry, they didn't go to the cops, get a lackadaisical response, and decide to take it from there. They skipped the 'going to the cops' part altogether."

On this occasion. How many times in the past has the shopkeeper gone to the police and they have done very little about any reported harrassment, anti-social behaviour? I seriously doubt that this was the first time the shopkeeper had been subject to abuse. Looks to me that the "victim" may be a known troublemaker, especially as the mob knew where he lived.

Quaggy Duck said...

"All I can say is if he sent 30 fuckos to my house, he wouldn't be in business for too much longer."

Profit margins are usually small for corner shops, but he might be able to weather the loss of a single customer.

Anonymous said...

That presumes he can weather the loss of a shop.