Monday 22 August 2011

Runner-Up In The 2011 Chutzpah Stakes Goes To…

…these guys!
Croydon's Tamil community says it was "doubly let down" by the police response to rioting which left dozens of their businesses damaged or destroyed.
Oh? How so?
Dr Kannappar Jeyanthan, chairman of Croydon Tamil Business Forum (CTBF), said there had been "no police protection" for businesses in London Road on Monday night and that the destruction had reminded him of "war torn lawless Sri Lanka".
Really? So, it’s not because the police were overstretched in other areas of Croydon then?

Your inference is that they purposely disregarded your area because you are ethnic minorities…

That can’t be what you are saying, surely?

…Dr Jeyanthan believes the council and police were completely unprepared for Monday night's violence.

"The CTBF feels the authorities in Croydon have once again abandoned the Tamil and other ethnic minority businesses on London Road," he explained.
"Though we understand that Croydon police were under-resourced and not prepared for a situation like this, we as council rate payers and business tax payers expected the police to do more to protect us from this madness. Sadly we have been let down."
Maybe they thought you could take care of yourselves?


Captain Haddock said...

Dr Kannappar Jeyanthan, chairman of Croydon Tamil Business Forum (CTBF), said there had been "no police protection" for businesses in London Road on Monday night and that the destruction had reminded him of "war torn lawless Sri Lanka"...

If Dr Jeyanthan is less than happy with the way in which things are done in UK, perhaps he might care to return home ?

I'm sure his self-valued criticisms & concerns would receive a most sympathetic ear there ..

Remember pal, no-one from this country held a gun to your head, forcing you to come here .. and there are no barriers to prevent you from leaving, just as soon as you'd like ..

But then, perhaps its far easier & a great deal less risky, to do his "gobbing-off" from the safety of the UK .. Eh ?

Ranter said...

Dr Kannappar Jeyanthan - that's easy for you to say!

Tiger in the Tank said...

I come here. I demand things. i demand them free and quick. I demand you let me have what I want or else I am unhappy. I not like it here. But I not go home as I don't like it there even more.

Now, back to my demands...

SBC said...

As far as I can recall the only ethnic MINORITY in Croydon were the White Anglo-Saxons...

But perhaps since have changed since I was last there in 2003? The only place in Croydon where the majority were white was the IKEA off Ampere Way on Saturday mornings and they were a semi transient community...depending on traffic.

dickiebo said...

The CTBF will meet next Thursday at 1900 hours, in the Town Hall, to consider where they will move to next. Suggestions, please.

Captain Haddock said...

@ dickiebo ...

"The CTBF will meet next Thursday at 1900 hours, in the Town Hall, to consider where they will move to next. Suggestions, please" ...

How about Svalbard ? .. or possibly the Chernobyl area ?

Greencoat said...

"The CTBF will meet next Thursday at 1900 hours, in the Town Hall, to consider where they will move to next. Suggestions, please" ...

What about Haiti, or North Korea, or Libya?

Heh, I'm enjoying this!

Ringmer said...

Perhaps the good doctor now understands how the majority feel, having had their country run for the last umpteen years using the 'Herald of Free Enterprise' model.

BTW, there's a rather catchy comment from a 'DianaFrance' on the TiC page:

"In France I know I am a foreigner, in Croydon I just feel like one."

For Croydon read anywhere in the South East.

banned said...

Of course the police were busy and distracted. They had to divert 1,000 officers to overwhelm 200 vicious far right wing racists rampaging in the streets of Eltham which, strangely enough, was the only high street in that part of London not to see any riot damage.

Captain Haddock said...

@ Banned ..

Well said, that man !

JuliaM said...

"Dr Kannappar Jeyanthan - that's easy for you to say!"


"But perhaps since have changed since I was last there in 2003?"

Only for the worse...

"For Croydon read anywhere in the South East."

I know :(

"Of course the police were busy and distracted. They had to divert 1,000 officers to overwhelm 200 vicious far right wing racists rampaging in the streets of Eltham .."

Spot on!

Anonymous said...

Strange they feel this way when the rest of us are more in 'Guns at Batazi' mode.