Thursday 18 August 2011

This Really Is Why You Can’t Have Nice Things…

New play areas across Basildon will stop being built if yobs continue to target them, a furious councillor has said.

Kevin Blake spoke out after thugs targeted yet another of the borough’s playing areas, this time torching play equipment at Victoria Park, in Victoria Road, Laindon.
Sure, let’s ensure the 99.9% of kids who wouldn’t dream of vandalising stuff lose out, eh, Kevin?
“These people, I don’t care whether they are young or old, they are just scum.

The more the council has to pay out the less chance there will be of putting investment into parks. While we are spending money on repairing stuff, that money is not getting spent on new equipment.

“I also won’t accept the argument youths have got nothing to do. These days there is far more to do than when I was younger and we just got on with it. We are getting to the stage where we are going to have to say enough is enough.”
Why not direct your ire at the useless legal system that keeps letting the little darlings off instead, then?


SBC said...

One has wonder how much having a "cabinet member for leisure and the arts" costs the good ratepayers of Basildon....

Neither art or sport are things any council should be funding in these cash strapped times.

Can we not have a "Cabinet Member For The Emptying Of Bins and Street Sweeping" instead? Please, pretty please..?

Captain Haddock said...

@ SBC ..

Well said .. Seconded

Pavlov's Cat said...

Perhaps they should go for one of these they'd have a hard time setting that on fire

Tattyfalarr said...

From the Anthem In My Liverpool Home:
And if you want a cathedral we've got one to spare. Leasowe over the hallowed water of the Mersey...
If you want a playground we'll soon have one to spare:

Utterly ridiculous.

Swings 'n' roundabouts said...

The thing we have to remember is that once 'pon a time playgrounds had things that kids come climb over (or fall off) and they were variously iron and concrete. Then came Elfin Safety, where things ahd to be added that could be damaged, like soft rubber mats in case the darlings fell.

Well, we fell when i was younger and it hurt, so we took care not to fall too often while extracting the maximum fun from a pile of rock or iron frame.

But if you add flammable things to playgrounds then yes, scrotes will set fire to them. sorry, but it's part of the job description of da yoof.

JuliaM said...

"One has wonder how much having a "cabinet member for leisure and the arts" costs the good ratepayers of Basildon...."

Far, far too much.

"Perhaps they should go for one of these they'd have a hard time setting that on fire"

A challenge the Basildonian feral street kid population will gladly accept!

" Leasowe over the hallowed water of the Mersey...
If you want a playground we'll soon have one to spare..."


"once 'pon a time playgrounds had things that kids come climb over (or fall off) and they were variously iron and concrete. Then came Elfin Safety, where things ahd to be added that could be damaged, like soft rubber mats in case the darlings fell."

Spot on!