Sunday 28 August 2011

Sunday Funnies

Awwwww, look at the cute little....


Anonymous said...

Taken at face value Nature is so cruel, JuliaM. The sight of an adorable pack of plod dragging a young terrified paraplegic out of a wheelchair, can be equally distressing for some.

The suburban jungle conceals the most vicious of all predators and ever serves the pack with an easy meal.

Mrs Erdleigh said...

Ah Bless! I will admit to a sneaking admiration for the Cape Buffalo too, despite them not really fitting into the 'cute' category.

Captain Haddock said...

@ Anon ..

"The sight of an adorable pack of plod dragging a young terrified paraplegic out of a wheelchair ..."

You mean the self-same "terrified paraplegic", who on his own blog admits being able to climb to the top of a building in Westminster, in order to cause trouble, whilst someone else carries his wheelchair ?

You mean the same "terrified paraplegic" who can put-on the dribbling, shoulder-biting act to order, whenever he has as suitably gullible audience ?

You're as big a Mong as he is and about as useful ...

Captain Haddock said...

@ Mrs E ..

I too admire the Cape Buff .. in fact, I share many of its characterisitcs ..

I'm a grumpy, unpredictable old bastard .. I won't fight "fair" either .. and I definitely harbour a strong sense of vengeance ..

Mess with me at your peril .. ;)

Anonymous said...

"You're as big a Mong as he is and about as useful ..."

I adore languages but I confess my ignorance of your noun. Is that slang for a dry connection with Tin-Tin?

Captain Haddock said...

@ Anon ..

"I adore languages but I confess my ignorance of your noun ... "

That doesn't surprise me in the least ..

MTG said...

@ Captain Haddit

'Mong' or anal hergés, is an incurable disease described by perverts as a major performance inhibitor.

Gosh, I knew there was something fishy about you, Sir.

Captain Haddock said...

@ MTG ..

Melvin .. I'd noticed recently that some of your posts were actually beginning to make sense & wondered whether you might be on a new medication regime .. sadly, you've just blown that theory to kingdom come ..

Like yourself, your wit is about as sharp as a boxing glove ..

MTG said...

@ Captain Haddit

"Like yourself, your wit is about as sharp as a boxing glove .."

Crikey. Ex police or squaddy? I do so enjoy observing shots to the foot through abysmal word choice.

Captain Haddock said...

@ MTG ..

You make my point for me, most eloquently ..

Had you bothered to read many aforegoing posts on this blog, my former career (of which I make no secret) would be transparent .. even to you ..

Keep taking the tablets ...

MTG said...

@ Captain Haddit

It is true I never read your posts and that towering display of reasoning heralds good news.

Infrequent as your thoughts may be and what little there is, must prove sufficient to hoist limited ability to an astonishing height of dominance in any region of unicellular life.

Captain Haddock said...

Melvin ..

Earlier this evening I listened to the last ever "Melodies For You", hosted on Radio 2 by Alan Titchmarsh ..

The final piece of music being George Frideric Handel's epic "Hallelujah Chorus" from a recording by the Huddersfield Choral Society, conducted by Sir Malcolm Sargent ..

Now, much as I enjoy our verbal sparring .. it served to remind me that not everything emanating from that Town is as worthy of my piss-taking as yourself ..

Anonymous said...

A superfluous mention of Handle's Christian names in connection with any of his great works, gives the dullard away.

Anonymous said...


MTG said...

Oh, I just love that one, Haddit.

Not to be confused with any of the great works by his namesake, for sure.

JuliaM said...

"The sight of an adorable pack of plod dragging a young terrified paraplegic out of a wheelchair..."

Is, as Capt Haddock points out, quite a welcome one, when discussing the egregious Jody MacIntrye...