Monday 15 August 2011

Can’t You Count, Your Honour?

A man was spared jail after being convicted of attacking two people in Didcot, including the landlady of a town pub.
Oh, this’ll be good.

And by ‘good’, I probably mean ‘teeth-grindingly infuriating’…
The first related to an attack outside the Wallingford Arms in Broadway on May 31 last year, in which landlady Jennifer Howard was kicked in the face.

The court heard a fight started outside the pub, involving bouncers and Webb’s friends. At one point, Ms Howard was left kneeling on the floor, when Webb kicked her in the face.

The second incident was in the town centre at noon on June 14 last year, when Webb “repeatedly kicked and punched” victim Tim Sutton.
Lovely man, I’m sure you’ll agree. And why is he not behind bars?
Judge Christopher Compston, who heard Webb recently became a father and was training for two jobs, said: “Both these offences were highly unpleasant. But if I sentenced you to prison, I believe it would lead to the loss of your home, your partner and you would certainly have less of a relationship with your son.”

He added: “This is a card you can play once and only once. Understand, if you do this again, you will face an immediate prison sentence.”
It seems to me he played that card on May 31, judge…


MTG said...

That they remain newsworthy is the most amazing feature of penultimate final warnings.

Captain Haddock said...

It would seem that the only qualities required of a Judge, are those of being happy to wear a wig & stockings in public ..

In which case, any Tranny could do the job ..

SBC said...

"In which case, any Tranny could do the job .."


...that said,judges aren't known-as a species- for their sexual propriety.

As to the sentence, he WAS sentenced to prison time but he was 'spared' having to serve it.

Justice tempered with mercy, unearned mercy -a mercy he didn't show his victims- is one of the corner stones of a Justice System as a opposed to a Revenge System such as Sharia.

Captain Haddock said...

"...that said,judges aren't known-as a species- for their sexual propriety" ...

Bit like Popes, Cardinals & Archbishops then .. ;)

WV = "berete" .. You couldn't make it up ...

SBC said...

Bit like Popes, Cardinals & Archbishops then .. ;)"

..and politicians with their oranges , plastic tesco's bags and women's silk stockings.

...and they are just the 'right thinking' ones.

Captain Haddock said...

" ... and politicians with their oranges , plastic tesco's bags and women's silk stockings" ...

You ommitted (deliberately, I feel sure, to spare those of a more delicate nature) to mention glass-topped coffee tables .. ;)

Jiks said...

Oh, a father, no jail for you then!


Slightly, well, almost totally off topic but the Daily Mash is very much on form today:

"BRITAIN has thrown its support behind the unelected jobsworths who watched London burn for three days, it has emerged.

A series of opinion polls show the public think David Cameron is wrong to tell the police to just do their ****ing jobs and that it would be far better if he was replaced by a senior officer in a big, fancy hat."

MTG said...

@ Jiks

Let us savour a rare moment of equitable police treatment.

We plebs know well in advance, the penalty for criticising police. In today's Britain, an expression of similar dismay voiced by someone supposedly running the Country - must suffer the undermining of his post by so-called public servants.

Jiks said...

Indeed, MTG, indeed.

Let us hope the Mash editors do not go for any long walks in the woods in the near future.

JuliaM said...

"That they remain newsworthy is the most amazing feature of penultimate final warnings."

Gotta fill those column inches...

"You ommitted (deliberately, I feel sure, to spare those of a more delicate nature) to mention glass-topped coffee tables .. ;)"


"... the Daily Mash is very much on form today."

Heh! It so often is.