Wednesday 31 August 2011

Growing Old Disgracefully?

Richard Burrington, mitigating, said the defendant had been a troubled youth, but had not been involved in a serious offence for 20 years after meeting his wife.
For twenty years? How old are these reprobates?
Jonathan Fairchild, 66, of Hannett Road, Canvey, was involved in a long-running dispute with neighbour Alan Nutt, 52, over a tree which was overhanging his garden.

Matters spilled over on July 23, when Fairchild, who had been drinking, lost his temper with Mr Nutt, claiming he was playing music too loudly.

He marched next door and confronted him with the knife in front of several witnesses.
Good lord!
Judge Alan Saggerson, sentencing Fairchild at Basildon Crown Court, said: “The law takes a serious view of possession of a knife in a public place, not because drunken morons like you take knives out with malicious intent, but because accidents can and do happen.

This is the sort of ridiculous behaviour I’m accustomed to dealing with drunken teenagers.”
Others are clearly taking no chances:
Over-55s at a retirement complex have been slapped with a booze ban following anti-social behaviour from elderly residents.
Yes, it’s the return of collective punishment, folks! All because a couple of them had a bit too much sherry.
Gobsmacked tenants looking to enjoy a summer drink have been told they cannot consume alcohol in their communal gardens following reports of fighting at the quaint housing complex.

Staffordshire Housing Association have already removed residents’ garden furniture after two neighbours were caught brawling at Bishop Court, in Stoke on Trent, Staffs.
I really can’t see the benefit in removing the furniture, unless the HA staff have seen one too many westerns, and think there’s likely to be an orgy of chair-breaking, should the residents’ sciatica be up to it…
Tom, 58, said: “They’re taking my liberties away. I like a drink when the sun comes out and they’re stopping me from sitting out. It’s out of order and like being in a prison.
Well, no, Tom. It’s worse than being in a prison.

Despite the fact that people in prison have committed offences to get there and you haven’t, you’d actually be treated with far more respect in a prison…


Edwin Greenwood said...

Haway the sagalouts!

Makes me feel proud to be over sixty. You want to see 'em round my way, tear-arsing round the streets on their mobility scooters intimidating the local teenagers.

S-the Bastard-C said...

"Gobsmacked tenants looking to enjoy a summer drink have been told they cannot consume alcohol in their communal gardens following reports of fighting at the quaint housing complex."

No fucking sympathy. No doubt those gob smacked tenants nodded in approval at the smoking ban and asbos for hoodies et al...hell chances are they even voted for Blair (not that anyone will admit to it now of course).

Next year they'll probably ban the OAPS from eating crisps and bacon at their summer BBQ...all that salt, meat and fat....

I mean, a bacon butty is a cardiac arrest on a paper plate even for the under 50's and everyone should be aware of the appalling immoralness of eating MEAT (which is PROVEN to cause Global Warmings)...especially factory farmed meat -Think Of The Piglets...will no one think of the poor liddle piglets?!

Furor Teutonicus said...

XX -Think Of The Piglets...will no one think of the poor liddle piglets?!XX

I do, nearly every day, as they are frying in the pan, with a hovis cut into 4 pieces and with half centemeter thich butter on each slice, waiting on the bread board for the results.

Anonymous said...

'Matters spilled over on July 23, when Fairchild, who had been drinking, lost his temper with Mr Nutt, claiming he was playing music too loudly.

He marched next door and confronted him with the knife in front of several witnesses'

Oh this repeats over and over up and down the country.

Brilliant blog btw!

SBC said...

"I do, nearly every day, as they are frying in the pan, with a hovis cut into 4 pieces and with half centemeter thich butter on each slice, waiting on the bread board for the results"

You forgot the HP. Can't have a bacon sandwich without...that's just nekulturny. I remember the day our local Fleischerei started selling tiny bottles of HP at eye-bleed prices...

...I think I actually came at the counter.

Too much information? Try living for a decade without recourse to HP, 'Schaschlik ketchup' just doesn't do it]
(wasn't on internets back then where I could have HP shipped to Hessen).

Anonymous said...

I only wonder why all antisocial creeps aren't subject to such treatment - though the collective element is unfair to the garden furniture, I joined the Labour Party to vote for Blair and a rejuvenation of British industry. It was evident before the 97 election that Labour was just another bankster party and Bliar a CIA stooge. If I can admit this you'd think some other old fart could apologise for being pissed and a nuisance!

Furor Teutonicus said...

XX SBC said...

You forgot the HP.
(wasn't on internets back then where I could have HP shipped to Hessen). XX

I forgot to write it, certainly, but our local Reichelt and Kaisers have seen the light, and always have full stocks. :-))

Today HP, tomorow Colmans mustard!

Captain Haddock said...

@ SBC ..

Surely, Heinz Tomato Ketchup on a bacon banjo ?

HP on a sausage sarnie .. ;)

BTW .. Have you tried HP "Steak Sauce" ? .. Wunderbar !!

SBC said...

Surely, Heinz Tomato Ketchup on a bacon banjo ?"

Sure..if you're working class.


Gentlemen of breeding however know that there is only one true relish for the bacon sandwich...or the sausage or any kind of red meat product.

Tomato ketchup is for kids and Ameritards...although passable on a burger.

and yes the HP Steak is rather yummy although I'm a purist. The 'classic' is the one for me...none of those lo-salt fat free organci varieties for me.

*retires his work, successfully hijacking this thread, done*

Captain Haddock said...

@ SBC ..

I make no apology for my origins, as a working class (whatever that means) Yorkshire lad .. ;) ;)

And I completely agree, with regard to the lo-salt, fat-free or organic crap .. I won't have it in the house ..

SBC said...

@ Capt

"I make no apology"

Nor should you...although personally I blame the parents!


Captain Haddock said...

@ SBC ..

You may have a point there ..

When it came to brown sauce, my late father was a confirmed "Hammonds" man, until it went out of production .. only accepting HP with some reluctance ..:)

Anonymous said...

What are these youngsters doing being retired at 55+. Why are they not at work.
Remember the government needs your taxes.

JuliaM said...

"Haway the sagalouts!"


"No doubt those gob smacked tenants nodded in approval at the smoking ban and asbos for hoodies et al..."

No-one ever assumes a law they argue for could be turned on them, do they?

"Brilliant blog btw!"

Thank you! Yours too ;)

"If I can admit this you'd think some other old fart could apologise for being pissed and a nuisance!"

Perhaps they did, but not many people are so keen to leave anything there these days? Or perhaps they were offered the chance to apologise, and failed the 'attitude test'?

James Higham said...

This sort of thing is becoming rampant - blanket bans of this, cracking down on that. What is it with authorities?

Furor Teutonicus said...

XX James Higham said...

This sort of thing is becoming rampant - blanket bans of this, cracking down on that. What is it with authorities? XX

If they did not ban things, they would have no....well authority really.

Defeats the object of their existance.