Thursday 25 August 2011

Your Justice System, Working For You

Recorder Farook Ahmed told Miller: ‘The sentence I have had in mind was 12 months, but it seems to me that it isn’t necessary for me to pass a sentence of 12 months because a sentence of 11 months will have the same effect, and it would take away the automatic triggering of deportation. I have taken into account that if you were to be deported it is bound to have a devastating effect on your three children, who I’m told are lawfully here in the UK.’
I guess by ‘a sentence of 11 months will have the same effect’, he means ‘Bugger all’…?
The Home Office insisted it would still seek to deport Miller at the end of his sentence. However, the Jamaican will be entitled to use Article 8 of the Human Rights Act – the right to a private and family life – to attempt to stay in the country.
Same old, same old…


Antisthenes said...

Since when have Jamaicans been interested in family life? Most have a few children usually by different mothers then bugger off.

Captain Haddock said...

I stopped reading at "Ahmed" .. I have no further interest in anything he has to say ..

SBC said...

"I stopped reading at "Ahmed" .. "

I stopped at the 'www.dailyxenophobe..', it's too early in the day for the Righteous Indignation of the 'hard working British'.

I need a lot more caffeine in my nicotine stream first before I found out why the 'We're only a small Island' brigade have got their y-fronts in twist today.

Anonymous said...

Infidels must exercise caution when passing remarks which may be construed as critical of a Qadis. If Farook Ahmed deemed 11 months was more appropriate than hand removal, so be it.

Consider how many millions of his kind would feel insulted at the mere hint of any 'guidance'.

Twenty_Rothmans said...

I guess he figured the difference between 11 and 12 months was Farook all.

I wish he'd Farook off.

Anonymous said...

I do not wish to deport you as deporting the worthless would mean many of my layabout, benefit-grubbing cousins would have to go home too. We can't have that sort of thing, can we?

Captain Haddock said...

@ Majid Ali ..

Why don't you just take your head for a shit pal ?

Scrounging, Trolling, Spamming twunt !

Anonymous said...

@ Majid Ali

I confess to feeling some guilt as a result of a very profitable morning, Majid - and it seems only right to respond to your desperate situation with an offer of a tiny share in my good fortune. Please accept a £30 donation towards your studies, my dear friend.

In fact we can help each other out. I have received a cheque made out to cash for £50. If you send me the £20 change, I will post the big cheque on to you.

Best regards,

SBC said...

"Best regards,


John Pickworth said...

I can never quite grasp how deporting these people (and their kids) isn't compatible with Article 8?

Surely they have families in many many countries these days? As is his right, he can have a family life anywhere he chooses except here.

Normally, I'm quite soft on immigration but clearly this chap has repeatedly broken the immigration rules several times over, stolen identities and committed crimes while here. I cannot for the life of me think of a single reason why he should be allowed to stay.

Gallovidian said...

The good news is that Libya is now a free country, therefore all Libyans in the UK fleeing persecution will now return home, easing the housing shortage, unemployment, road congestion etcetera.

Galloway my arse said...

"The good news is that Libya is now a free country, therefore all Libyans in the UK fleeing persecution will now return home, easing the housing shortage, unemployment, road congestion etcetera."

But we still have one too many Gallovidians here. When will he bugger off and ease the load on the rest of us?

JuliaM said...

"Please help me for Christ sake"

*sigh* Spamming really helps your cause, you know?

"I stopped at the 'www.dailyxenophobe..'"

Oh, it has it's moments.. ;)

"I guess he figured the difference between 11 and 12 months was Farook all."


"I can never quite grasp how deporting these people (and their kids) isn't compatible with Article 8?"

Me neither, but it's a fact that the ECHR has been an absolute godsend to the Open Borders crowd.

JuliaM said...

"The good news is that Libya is now a free country, therefore all Libyans in the UK fleeing persecution will now return home.."

Oh, you wag! ;)