Wednesday 10 August 2011

Should This Man Still Be A Surgeon?

A Basildon Hospital surgeon lied about the death of his mother because he was worried about failing his surgical exams, a hearing was told.

Sandeep Kukreti, a specialist in trauma and orthopaedics, concocted the story ahead of his professional exams in February last year.

He has now been suspended from practising for four months after being found guilty of misconduct by the General Medical Council.
Seems a bit harsh, for a lie?

Well, read on:
A GMC fitness to practise hearing in London heard Mr Kukreti was given four days of special paid leave from his job in January 2010 after saying his father was seriously ill and he needed to travel to India.

He later called the hospital to say he would not return to work for another two days.

The truth was he was still in the country and revising for the exams he had failed on four previous occasions.
Yup, it’s going to be fifth time lucky for Sandeep! Well, maybe…
Mr Kukreti was also found guilty of failing to ensure cover for his clinical duties at the hospital when he attended training sessions in March and September 2010.

A third charge that he failed to call in sick before missing a morning work shift at the hospital was also proved.
Kukreti already had a five-year official warning from the GMC issued in January 2010 after failing to declare a March 2009 conviction for a domestic assault.
Just why are we employing this guy? Don’t we have any standards at all?


SBC said...

"Don’t we have any standards at all? "

Next question?

Jim Enfous said...

There is an equality and diversity quota to be filled, don'cha know ?

Ancient + Tattered Airman said...

If he isn't qualified how can he possibly be a surgeon?
He apparently speaks English well enough to lie to his employers.

JuliaM said...

"There is an equality and diversity quota to be filled, don'cha know ?"

I did have my suspicions.

"If he isn't qualified how can he possibly be a surgeon?"

I'm assuming these are 'extra' qualifications he's attempting to take. And attempting, and attempting....