Monday 15 October 2012

It’s (Almost) The Return Of MONA!

Gangs of men brandishing hammers, sticks and a machete brawled in a residential street in Accrington.
Around 20 men clashed in a large scale disturbance, which police believe was a pre-planned fight.
A 35-year-old man received head injuries after being clubbed around the back of the head with a weapon, and needed reconstructive surgery for a broken jaw.
CCTV images show the men, aged in their 20s and 30s, squaring up to one another in the middle of the street, bringing traffic to a standstill.
Ooooh, once upon a time, that would be an end to it. But DI Johnston didn't get the memo, and let the cat out of the bag:
Detective Inspector Jill Johnston, from Accrington CID, said: “This was an incident of large scale disorder that involved between 15 and 20 Asian men fighting in the middle of the street, to the extent that they brought traffic to a standstill for a number of minutes.
C’mon, Jill, don’t keep us in suspense! Were they Gurkhas? Seepoys? Of the Mandarin persuasion, perhaps?
“The motive for the fight is not known at this time but we do believe that all the men involved were known to each other.
“For local residents and motorists this would have been very frightening incident to witness.
“We want to reassure local residents that it appeared to be pre-planned fight so we stepped up patrols over the weekend and will do the same this weekend. ”
I'm sorry..!? In what way is it ‘reassuring’ for local residents to know that – living in their midst – are people whose way of settling disputes is to arrange to brawl in the street with weapons..?

I can’t see how this is very reassuring either:
“We have asked key community leaders to speak to the families involved to put a stop to any further incidents.”
Ummm, aren't you the police? And aren't you the people who should be ‘putting a stop to further incidents’ by coming down on the offenders like a ton of bricks?


Farenheit211 said...

Now what group needs, 'key community leaders', it wouldn't be the Bearded Savages would it?

Robert the Biker said...

Naw, of course not, this is the well known Eskimo bunny frou frou gang who were only argueing with the other lot about who got to give out cakes to all the old ladies.

Farenheit211 said...

That's funny, I could have sworn with journalism like that we were dealing with bearded savages, not eskimos. After all when was the last time you saw a self exploding eskimo?

Furor Teutonicus said...

XX clubbed around the back of the head with a weapon, and needed reconstructive surgery for a broken jaw.


Furor Teutonicus said...

XX would have been very frightening incident to witness. XX

No sweetums, old grannys and small children are "frightened", REAL people watch with interest, and if they had any bussiness nous about them, would start running a book.

Anonymous said...

Still makes a change from shagging under age white girls.

RAB said...

Well "reassuring" in the sense that some enterprising local can set up the grandstand and start selling the popcorn the next time they have a bit of ruck, without fear of injury, I suppose.

Anonymous said...

"CCTV images show the men.........." Well, that's all right thern. With the aid of the, no doubt, extremely helpful community leaders, the offenders will be identified, arrested and charged. Oh, hang on a bit. They're Asian, so none of the extremely helpful community leaders will claim to know them, any Police enquiry will lead precisely nowhere and nothing will happen. Can't wait for the next load of competitors for round 2 - the EDL v Socialst Workers.

Anonymous said...

You'd think that if there is nothing useful to say then the police would say just that...nothing - interesting or otherwise, but as observed these 'senior' investigating officers seem unable to do that.

She could always have said,

"once again, male members of the so called religion of peace have, without regard to the law, customs and social practices of the United Kingdom, kicked off, in public, over some pathetic family or tribal squabble. It gets on my tits! We're going to ensure they are all nicked and are happy that the courts will bang them up and then deport those that haven't been able to wangle a British Passport"

Andy said...

Ragheads fighting other ragheads?
They can kill each other wholesale as far as I care.
I only care when they start targeting our people.

SadButMadLad said...

I would be reasured to kmow it was preplanned because I would know it was not random violence against the public. Means that I know I wouldn't be picked on.

WPC Jilted said...

it only safe to nick whities aaniway it cold owtside now innit

Furor Teutonicus said...

Spot on Jilted. Well said!

ivan said...

So they were indulging in some real Paki bashing, then why insult the real hard working asians.

Anyway this has produced a use for the empty, abandoned warehouses - hurd the lot of them in one, close the doors and only let one out 24 hours later.

JuliaM said...

"Now what group needs, 'key community leaders', it wouldn't be the Bearded Savages would it?"

Undoubtedly they are in the majority, but I suspect there's others wetting their beaks...


I'm assuming in two separate attacks?

"Well "reassuring" in the sense that some enterprising local can set up the grandstand and start selling the popcorn the next time they have a bit of ruck.."

Oh, indeed! Let's hope they stick to a regular timetable.

JuliaM said...

"You'd think that if there is nothing useful to say then the police would say just that...nothing - interesting or otherwise, but as observed these 'senior' investigating officers seem unable to do that. "

Sadly, 24/7/365 news has caused an explosion of PR 'spokespeople'. We need a cull.

" Means that I know I wouldn't be picked on."

Not by this bunch, at this time. But if they are capable of this...?