Friday 14 June 2013

"Well, We Did A Risk Assessment And..."

"...turns out it's more of a risk (to us) to let a car plough into gypsy kids than your kids..."

Via Mark Wadsworth, this incredible story:
The driver of the 70-seat coach was asked to use the vehicle as a barricade shortly after the incident in Battlebarrow, Cumbria, despite there being dozens of children on board.
Parents criticised police for putting the youngsters in unnecessary danger and the case was refered to the Police and Crime Commissioner.
One mother said: "The police are trained to think of every eventuality yet they don't seem to have thought that the car might ram the bus."
If you're wondering what could possibly have prompted our notoriously safety-first, risk averse no matter the inconvenience police farce to attempt such a hare-brained scheme, well, read on:
Cumbria Police said the car was heading for a road beyond the bus which was filled with spectators, horses and other schoolchildren.
At the Appleby Horse Fair.

Get it now?


Fidel Cuntstruck said...

Strange how this horrifying tale of Police bravado omits the fact that at this particular time of year that small town is completely overrun with those cheeky travelling folk - and trouble is never far away. Many of the locals simply barricade themselves in for the week - or get the hell out of Dodge until normality returns.

Also omitted is that the driver of the vehicle being persued was none other than .. you've guessed haven't you? and had no insurance.

Interestingly enough he was also charged with being in possession of stolen goods!!

who'd a thunk it?

Actually, this year's event passed off with relatively little trouble and most of the Pubs have their best week of the year - so it's not all bad news.

John Pickworth said...

One mother said: "The police are trained to think of every eventuality yet they don't seem to have thought that the car might ram the bus."

Where's this mother been living for the past 20 years? The police are trained to blindly follow the book, and not to think for themselves.

Cumbria Police said "the car was heading for a road beyond the bus which was filled with spectators, horses and other schoolchildren."


I suppose in the circumstances this is one of those situations where we might ask ourselves "What would I do?". Given the obvious danger beyond, I'm sure blocking the road was entirely sensible. Although, even with the beat of the Miami Vice theme in my ears, I might have had pause to consider the risk to the bus passengers.


"Room was left for him to drive past the rear of the bus."

Sigh! If only they'd stood a five year school girl with pig-tails and licking a lollipop in the gap?

Anonymous said...

Who'd live in Appleby. The clear up bill every year with these itinerant thieving criminal mongtards must be incredible, let alone the other 'costs' the taxpaying residents have to deal with. Still i'm sure a police Traveller liaison officer of romany stock was on hand with a blue and white chequered 'kerchief in place of a tie and a couple of golden hoops in his ears.