Thursday 2 January 2014


Ziko Sulliman, a Muslim from Sudan, attacked Zakaria Zain in a dispute days after the squaddie's death.
The pair had been drinking in Sulliman's home in Middlesbrough when a report of the killing was on TV news.
Wait, what?
Sulliman was remanded in custody and will be sentenced on September 6 after a background report has been prepared.
Andrew Teate, defending, told Judge Tony Briggs: "He is aware a lengthy custodial sentence will follow."
Well, clearly he's been drinking! With our justice system, I wouldn't be so sure of that!


Tatty said...

Nice lessening of charges there. Woulda thought "I'll send you to God" qualified as Attempted Murder.

But then what do I know ? I just remember when we had a justice system and I weep for it's long, lingering and drawn-out painful death.

Ancient + Tattered Airman said...

Muslims drinking? Surely not!

Anonymous said...


Muslim drinking, living with girlfriend but is still so pious that he thinks murdering an unarmed squaddie is ok. How about not giving him a prison sentence but sending him back to Sudan, see how he gets on with the Mad Mullah's mates.

I have come across some Sudanese in the course of business and I have the slight suspicion that they are farming their idiots out on us. Sort great that's another cretin gone, the country is in a slightly better place.

JuliaM said...

"Nice lessening of charges there."

We've dumbed everything else down - why not the justice system too? :/

"Muslims drinking? Surely not!"

I know! I'm shocked!

"How about not giving him a prison sentence but sending him back to Sudan, see how he gets on with the Mad Mullah's mates."

I'm up for that!