Tuesday 21 January 2014

The Tap’s Being Turned Off…

Jan Frances, West Mercia Women’s Aid chief executive, said she feared women risked more violence if services are faced with the cuts, as calls have increased from 1,800 a year to more than 3,200.
“If the cut comes in we’ll have longer waiting lists, fewer calls getting answered when they ring, and longer delays in getting back to people,” she said.
"I don’t blame the council, because I know their funding is going down, but these are cuts on cuts.”
But the council is, quite rightly, looking at it’s ‘must haves’ and discarding the ‘nice to haves’:
Councillor Sheila Blagg, cabinet member for adult social care, said services needed to be prioritised.
“We know we need to do things differently and with an ageing population, we are reforming adult social care to meet the needs of more people with less money,” she said.
After all, no-one has a choice about whether to get old. But picking a partner who isn’t violent to you (and the vast majority do know or suspect what they might be letting themselves in for), well, that’s within your own reach.
“It is important to be clear that we have decided not to change the eligibility criteria for adult social care and that the Future Lives programme is also about empowering people to stay healthy for longer, remain in their own homes where possible, and find support easily.
"We need to review all services and prioritise those which we legally must provide.”
I expect the fakecharities will make their next big push getting on that list of ‘services councils must legally provide’.

One thing’s for certain – they won’t go away.


Fidel Cuntstruck said...


One thing’s for certain – they won’t go away.

No, not while there is a chance that local authorities can be hoodwinked into funding them.

Perhaps Ms Frances will have to start earning her CEO salary by delving into the real world of lobbying and deal making - at least she'll be able to say she tried.

Bucko said...

Maybe calls to the helpline have increased because the definition of domestic violence has changed from a beating to, 'anything a bloke might do or say'.

Anonymous said...

Two Charity chiefs were drinking champagne at a gatecrashed wedding reception when one broke down in tears.

1st Boss: My luck is out. Last week some schmuck died and left a hundred grand to my 'Save the Unicorn' fund.

2nd Boss: So why the glum face?

1st Boss: The previous week another schmuck donated twice as much...to spend as I 'saw fit'.

2nd Boss: Brilliant! I'll take his address.

1st Boss: It was yesterday when my grandfather passed away...and I inherited a million.

2nd Boss: So why the glum face?

1st Boss: So far I've had absolutely nothing today.

Anonymouslemming said...

Oh FFS. If you're not happy with your partner for whatever reason, LEAVE. It's not hard.

Unless you're being physically restrained, pack your shit and leave.

If you can't do that by yourself, it's unlikely that some cuddly hippie is going to be able to help you.

Anonymous said...


'Cabinet member' for, your on the council love not in Westminster ffs

xplod said...

"One thing’s for certain – they won’t go away."

Another certainty - you'll never hear a (fake or otherwise)charity worker say "Our work here is done"

JuliaM said...

"Maybe calls to the helpline have increased because the definition of domestic violence has changed from a beating to, 'anything a bloke might do or say'."

Spot on!

"If you can't do that by yourself, it's unlikely that some cuddly hippie is going to be able to help you."

It'll keep the cuddly hippie employed though. So there's that...

"Another certainty - you'll never hear a (fake or otherwise)charity worker say "Our work here is done""

Very true :/

Furor Teutonicus said...

XX calls have increased from 1,800 a year to more than 3,200. XX

You COULD, of course decrease it to NO calls.

Take the fucking phone off the hook!