Thursday 16 January 2014

Why So Shocked?

McDonald's in Sidcup caused outrage among fast food loving youngsters when it …
… posted a sign announcing they would not be served after 7pm.
Two signs stating "No youths will be served after 7pm" were posted in the High Street branch this week in a bid to prevent anti-social behaviour.
However, the signs were swiftly removed after News Shopper got in contact with the restaurant's head office.
Ah. I see. Some poor beleaguered shop manager tried to resolve the issue the only way he knows how - with a bit of collective punishment, like everyone else - and it backfired.
A McDonald’s spokeswoman said: "I can confirm that there is no age restriction policy in place at the McDonald’s restaurant on Sidcup High Street.
On Saturday evening, the restaurant experienced problems with a group of individuals causing sustained disruption to the restaurant, affecting fellow customers and employees.
"As a result, following consultation with local police, the restaurant management took urgent steps to try and prevent repeat anti-social behaviour.
"The wording of the initial signage displayed in the restaurant was incorrect and we apologise for any confusion caused."
Rather than 'consult with local police', why not simply point out that you pay business rates? And that the little scrotes' lives should be made hell until they get the message?


Budvar said...

Joolz, you have a heart of stone...

Hogdayafternoon said...

Perfect final sentence.

Longrider said...

Unfortunately, the offence taking and grievance-mongering by various groups has become so pervasive, people no longer know which way to jump. This being a prime example. It's almost delicious to see the confusion caused as common sense and personal responsibility are finally laid to rest.

John M said...

I'm not sure you got this right.

Aside from taking thier iPhones, I suspect that banning these scrotes from MaccyD's is about the only punishment which would actually upset them.

Uncle Gus said...

Two things; first, "youths" in modern Newspeak always means black youths, some of them as old as 40.

No wonder the professionally offended were up in arms!

Secondly, this was probably the only way to get the police to turn up!

The Blocked Dwarf said...

I'm guessing the "anti-social" behaviour was when one of the little cherubs DEMANDED fries NOT the prescribed-for-his-own-good carrot stix with his burger.

I can't believe there are parents who take their children out to Mickey D's for a burger and then insist that the poor wee disappointed mites have the healthy option Kiddies THAT is Child Abuse.

blueknight said...

In the mid 60s there was a sign at the local bowling alley that read 'No jeans after 6pm'
That sorted out the problems -not

Twenty_Rothmans said...

Why not just get a couple of doormen?

They can be briefed on 'potentially problematic customers' in mere seconds.

JuliaM said...

"Perfect final sentence."

I'm not generally a fan of collective punishment - that, it seems to me, is a better way to go.

"It's almost delicious to see the confusion caused as common sense and personal responsibility are finally laid to rest."


"...I suspect that banning these scrotes from MaccyD's is about the only punishment which would actually upset them."

Oh, I'm sure their human rights advocate would have sorted it out if McD's hadn't backed down.. :/

"In the mid 60s there was a sign at the local bowling alley that read 'No jeans after 6pm'
That sorted out the problems -not"

Today, they'd probably just take 'em off!