Monday 6 January 2014

”I might have known, there is always some man…”

Two women, aged 30 and 31, came to blows outside Valentine Infant and Heathfield Junior in Southampton as they collected their children.
Parents picking up pupils yesterday told the Daily Echo that the women have children who attend both schools.
Police say that the fight involved a man, but were unable to confirm how it had started.
Lovely, I think you’ll agree?
A parent, whose four-year-old son attends Valentine Infant School, said that one of the mothers was left with a bleeding lip.
The man, who did not want to be named, said: “It’s not acceptable for parents to fight like that in front of children at home time.
“They were really going for it. Punches were thrown and one of them had a bleeding lip.
“Kids were screaming – a lot of children were in the playground.
“One of them had two younger kids in pushchairs with them – they were younger than school age.
“I walked up to the school with one of the other parents. He has kids that are six and nine and they were not too pleased.
“You expect to see them setting an example.”
Do you really? Not any more…


Fidel Cuntstruck said...

Heh :0)

The Memsahib teaches at an infant school, right in the middle of one of our "challenged" housing estates. It's not unusual for new male teachers to become the subject of attention between some of the young mums, normaly followed by a facebook spat once they fail to "pull" - the dimwits fail to realise that, not only does protocol strictly forbid, but that their attractiveness to any male with an intellect above that of an amoeba is not what they assume :0/

Rickie said...

It will only kick off again in Primark,worst i saw was 2 women kicking off both eating chips at Great Yarmouth market.

Yarmouth market chips are great value and worth a visit for any holidaymakers looking in, don't be put off with chavs fighting cos that was a one off , they have all left and been replaced by Lithuainians and Polish who seem more decent types.

Woodsy42 said...

I thought they WERE setting an example - isn't that the real problem?

Anonymous said...


Come off it, the kids were probably all gathered round shouting 'fight, fight..'. If they were shocked I worry about what is happening to the younger generation.

Furor Teutonicus said...

XX “It’s not acceptable for parents to fight like that in front of children at home time. XX

Oh? At home time?

So, what... dinner break would be fine? First break?

When WOULD this "teacher" suggest would be a good time?

The Blocked Dwarf said...

What is the school/Council/Education Authority/Gove-verment going to do to HELP the poor wee mites left traumatised by this unacceptable display of parental violence, that's what I want to know!

Enough is enough! Millions of children are being left SCARED FOR LIFE and will be compelled to eek out a miserable existence later as adults on Disability Benefits...unable to conquer the trauma.

The really badly traumised Kids may even take up SMOKING and die before they become adults.

SOMETHING MUST BE DONE! (/Daily Mail font Caps)

JuliaM said...

" It's not unusual for new male teachers to become the subject of attention between some of the young mums..."


"I thought they WERE setting an example - isn't that the real problem?"

Very true... :(

"What is the school/Council/Education Authority/Gove-verment going to do to HELP the poor wee mites left traumatised by this unacceptable display of parental violence..."
