Friday, 14 February 2014

It’s Called ‘The Brush Off’, Audrey….

"When I spoke to the manager he said 'well of course, it is Valentines Day, men like to buy things'.
"But what is wrong with pretty little nighties?"
"I complained about the same thing in Easter last year and he said 'of course, it is Easter'. "
I expect seeing you hoving into view to buttonhole him about risqué mannequins makes the poor man reach for the aspirin.
Ms Baxter, of High Street, Bromley North, says she thinks putting the mannequins in such a prominent part of the store is unnecessary, and they would be better placed behind a partition in the lingerie section.
Perhaps a nice Winceyette burkha?
News Shopper is waiting for a quote from Debenhams.
Heh! I bet they are….


Fidel Cuntstruck said...

Oh dear Ms Baxter, there's something very bitter about you isn't there?

"Young women are always worrying about their body image these days. Girls of eight are now anorexic."

Rather a generalisation there

"And men just stand there and stare at them."

What .. at the mannequins or at the anorexic 8 year olds?

I wonder why Ms Baxter's photo wasn't included in the article, that would have given us at least some hint of why she's a Ms and not a Miss or Mrs - I suspect she was a Mrs - perhaps he left her for someone who would actually wear a "scanty bra & pants"

Just a thought ;0)

Clarissa said...

Why do I suspect that Ms. Baxter covers her table legs?

Furor Teutonicus said...

XX Ms Baxter,XX

"Ms," who'd ave thunk it a fucking DYKE!

WHAT a surprise.

Joe Public said...

With an attitude like hers, self-induced extinction of the feminazi is a distinct possibility.

Flaxen Saxon said...

I've always thought shop mannequins rather provocative. I distinctly remember being pulled off a Marks and Spencer mannequin (saucy minx) by security staff.

JuliaM said...

"Why do I suspect that Ms. Baxter covers her table legs?"


"With an attitude like hers, self-induced extinction of the feminazi is a distinct possibility."

Sadly, they already reproduce asexually, via universities...

"I've always thought shop mannequins rather provocative."

I believe some models even have names!