Thursday, 6 February 2014

Oh, Dick, From Your Lips To Their Ears...

In a blog on the ludicrous lengths the nuPuritans are going to in order to force minimum pricing on the public, Dick Puddlecote wryly notes:
"It's like the playground Gripper Stebson demanding teacher exclude his victim for answering back."
And as if by magic, we see that today's teacher is only too willing to acquiesce:
A six year-old boy who was suspended from his school after he took a bag of Mini Cheddars in his packed lunch has now been expelled.
Yes, indeed, this is the case of which David Thompson mused:
"It’s not unreasonable to ask what kind of personalities would be willing to punish and humiliate a six-year-old and his parents, and waste everyone’s time and money, in order to police lunchtime snack consumption. The answer seems pretty obvious."
Indeed it does.


ivan said...

Oh dear, it appears that this school is not rating very well with the inspectors but then is that very surprising when they appear to put more effort into school rules than into teaching.

The headmaster appears to be one of the loony left to whom rules and regulations are the be all and end all and be damned with teaching the children anything other than leftie dogma.

With schools and teachers like this is it any wonder the education system has gone down the tubes?

bobo said...

I think it's the exercise of power for its own sake. The actual catalyst is irrelevant.

Anonymous said...

By who's authority do these statist dictators presume to dictate the contents of a lunchbox ,that is the business of the childs mother and nobody else

The Blocked Dwarf said...

First they came for the crisps, then they came for the Mini Cheddars...

(apologies to Niemöller but a chap's Walkers S&V are sacred and you will have to prise them from my cold, dead, podgy hands...)

Michael said...

The Process is the punishment. For heaven's sake it was a packet of mini cheddars not crack cocaine or crystal meth. looks like the special measures label will be continued by OFSTED. Some head teachers clearly have too much time on their hands.

Anonymous said...

They have probably done the child a favour, unless the next school he attends is run by an even more vindictive leftie.

Surreptitious Evil said...

Okay, so a pupil who is violent and disruptive needs to be supported (to be more violent and disruptive because it is clearly a skill!) You can't expel them.

But a pupil who brings a "not what we want in their lunches" snack item gets expelled.

This is insane.

JuliaM said...

"With schools and teachers like this is it any wonder the education system has gone down the tubes?"

No wonder at all...

"First they came for the crisps, then they came for the Mini Cheddars..."

Why not just go back to Dickens's time and serve gruel?

"Some head teachers clearly have too much time on their hands."

And too much desire for badges and trophies and awards.