Tuesday 18 September 2018

What's That 'Fundamental Principle' Again?

Anita Szporak applied to Herefordshire Council to transfer the premises licence of Mila in Belmont Road to herself from Hardi Mohammed.
The current licence allows the sale of alcohol Monday to Sunday 8am to midnight.
A Polish shop, run by a Muslim?
Herefordshire Council's Licensing Committee heard the licence was issued in September 2015 but in December 2016 it was revoked after 250,000 illegal cigarettes were seized from the premises.
The police objected to the transfer application. Sgt Duncan Reynolds asked for the press and public to be excluded from the meeting as the objection referred to criminal matters affecting the applicant which did not result in a conviction.
Well, I don't think that's going to fly, do you, reader?
The committee agreed that the information would not be in the public interest and the press and public were excluded.
Oh. I guess it did. Clearly the licensing committee don't concern themselves overmuch with whether or not someone was actually guilty!
The licensing committee refused the application due to the information provided by the police. As a result the second application for Ms Szporak to become designated premises supervisor no longer applied as this can only be applied for by the licence holder.
How very unsavoury. And un-English.

H/T: Fahrenheit211 via Gab


Bucko said...

"250,000 illegal cigarettes"


Bucko said...

"250,000 illegal cigarettes"

Why do I always find out about cheap fags after they've been seized?

JuliaM said...

Why do I always find out about cheap fags after they've been seized?"
