Saturday 17 September 2022

How Low Have Harvard Fallen...?

Scientists in China say it's very unlikely that the oblong Oumuamua asteroid that zipped into our solar system is an alien spacecraft - despite the claims of a controversial Harvard professor to the contrary.

Never mind that, what are its pronouns

Harvard physicist Avi Loeb wrote in his 2021 study of the object's potential origins: 'Each of these natural-origin models has major quantitative shortcomings, and so the possibility of an artificial origin for Oumuamua must be considered. Oumuamua’s anomalies suggest that it might have been a thin craft - with a large area per unit mass - pushed by the reflection of sunlight.'

Imagine getting schooled by the Chinese... 

A new peer-reviewed study by a group of Chinese scientists analyzes the data we have about Oumuamua to poke holes in Loeb's claim about how such an alien craft could be moving through space.

Once a revered institution, now a clown car full of lunatics... 


Stonyground said...

"Imagine getting schooled by the Chinese..."

I think that you will find that the Chinese were doing astronomy quite a while before those at Harvard were.

Anonymous said...

I bought the book. It's full of tosh - biography, his 600 papers, how hard it is to be brought up on a farm in Israel - but most of all, after a lengthy harangue about how the consensus isn't always right, he accepts Climate Change for a fact. He's already told us that scientists fall into line just to get grants, but doesn't apply his thoughts to the greatest scam in modern times.

Stonyground said...

I have a book about The Little Ice Age that has a chapter full of climate change boiler plate tacked on to the end of it. I found it hard to believe that the guy who wrote the rest of the book believed the cack in the last chapter for a second. My thought was, why was it there? Maybe he could only get it published by sticking to the official CC line.

JuliaM said...

"I think that you will find that the Chinese were doing astronomy quite a while before those at Harvard were."

Oh, true!

"I bought the book. It's full of tosh..."

I hope you can get a refund!

"My thought was, why was it there? Maybe he could only get it published by sticking to the official CC line."

That's sadly almost certainly the case...