Friday 9 September 2022

From The 'No Shit, Sherlock!' Archives...

Wow, that taxpayer money spent on supercomputers was well spent, wasn't it?

Research found that summer-like weather patterns will also lead to warmer and drier autumns from the mid-2020s.

The same 'research' that told us all to plant Mediterranean gardens five years ago, before the wettest summer we ever had? 

H/T: IanJ via email


Anonymous said...

These scientific researchers apparently base their findings on statistics, when everybody else knows that 67.2 percent of statistics are made up.

Frank said...

And the same research that told us snowfalls were a thing of the past.


JuliaM said...

"...when everybody else knows that 67.2 percent of statistics are made up."


"And the same research that told us snowfalls were a thing of the past"

We didn't see much last winter. I wonder if we will this winter to come?