Tuesday 20 September 2022

Look, You'll Just Have To Put Up With Their Funny Ways With Scones...

...we all know it should be jam first, not cream first!

A man in his late 20s, from Eritrea, an East African country devastated by years of civil war, stopped to talk to DevonLive as he was walking with a friend near the seafront.
He complained about the food they had been given during their week-long stay, and claimed occupants were going hungry as no one had yet started receiving their £8.24 weekly allowance.

Really? Reader, no. Of course not: 

The Home Office is paying for full board, with 24-hour on-site support and security.

And if the food doesn't suit, you can always bugger off back to Eritrea. Or France.  

The first man, who had reached England by boat from Calais, said that the residents had given the authorities a week to sort out the problems or they would hold a protest in the car park outside.

When is the Home Office going to get a grip? Priti proved pretty useless, with Suella prove a braver (wo)man? 

H/T: IanJ via email 


Stonyground said...

These people are being groomed by someone. I can't believe that they arrive fresh from Africa knowing the fine details of how to milk the system.

MTG1 said...

For the last few years, my local Holiday Inn (Oulton, Nr Leeds) has enjoyed an exclusive and lucrative contract with the government, to feed and house our growing share of 'boat people'.

The dining rooms have countryside views and offer excellent food choices and cuisine. However, the absence of gymnasium facilities may trigger financial claims brought by the (now) corpulent inmates. And yes, they do have teams of lawyers ready to take action in the courts and tribunals, given the slightest excuse.

Bucko said...

If it's the food that's the issue, maybe that why they all leave France?

JuliaM said...

"These people are being groomed by someone."

By a lot of 'someones', I'll be bound...

" And yes, they do have teams of lawyers ready to take action in the courts and tribunals, given the slightest excuse."


"If it's the food that's the issue, maybe that why they all leave France?"
