Thursday 8 September 2022

The Animal Isn't Seen On Camera...

...oh wait, I was wrong, here it is:

After speaking to bosses at the delivery company, Mrs Ferraby has praised them for acting so quickly and sacking the driver the next day.

Good, let's hope every other delivery company has this image up on its wall to ensure this creature doesn't get hired by them. 

A spokesperson from Evri said: 'We have apologised to Mrs Ferraby and provided a gesture of goodwill.
'This was highly unacceptable behaviour and we can confirm the courier will no longer deliver on behalf of Evri.'

Let's hope he's named and shamed by the public. 


Anonymous said...

Get out of Jail cards:

* colour
* trannie
* colour
* religion?

Ted Treen said...

I assume it's trans-species, because as sure as hell it ain't human.

JuliaM said...

"I assume it's trans-species, because as sure as hell it ain't human."
