Sunday 25 November 2012

Oh, This’ll Mean War!

Mothers with buggies and tourists with unwieldy suitcases are to be targeted in a new campaign to give wheelchair users priority on buses.

Just imagine the fury of the mums with their giant buggies? It’ll be awesome to behold as they are told they aren't a priority. The tourists will just shrug and say ‘Que?’…
Bus drivers will use their PA system to ask other passengers to move aside — and will not be allowed to drive off until they have done so.
The wording’s ambiguous – will not be able to drive off until the passengers have moved accordingly?

Or will not be able to drive off until they've ticked a box by asking, no matter what the response is..?
TfL officials said that the dedicated space, usually in the middle of the bus, was the only place where wheelchairs can travel safely.
They pointed out that on most buses there is room for both a wheelchair and suitcases or a single buggy in the reserved area. But where there was not, the buggy would have to be folded and suitcases moved to storage racks.
I can’t wait for this policy to provoke more BusRage amongst London’s vibrant population…
One Londoner said passengers made her feel uncomfortable when she used the allocated wheelchair space. Zara Todd, a youth worker from Merton, said: “People make you feel guilty for having to ask them to fold their buggies. Drivers find it awkward to ask them because of the fuss that it can cause.
“They think they are entitled to have the buggy unfolded. I understand that it can be time-consuming but I can’t fold my wheelchair. I have no choice.”
Good luck with expecting the unreasonable to suddenly become reasonable because there’s a poster up, love.


Curmudgeon said...

Ah yes, you trifle with Mums'n'Kids at your extreme peril...

Furor Teutonicus said...

Fucking idiot Mothers that think it is a fucking good idea to try and get on a bus, or train, with a bloody pram that was used as the initial design sketches for a bastarding Humvee are the problem.

What the HEL do these ibicilic tarts think they are up to? A bloody accross Iceland pram push rally, or something?


And TOTAL twats that try and get on a bus at rush hour, which has not even space left to fit a shopping bag into, with a bloody PUSH BIKE(!), and then complain like fuck when the bus driver tells them to piss off, are another load that need a good dose of something gaseous and highly poisonous!

JuliaM said...

"Ah yes, you trifle with Mums'n'Kids at your extreme peril..."

They do seem top have an inflated sense of their own importance, don't they?

"...with a bloody pram that was used as the initial design sketches for a bastarding Humvee..."

Even the one-child families seem to have something that size!

Robert the Biker said...

Well, I have tried taking a couple of sprogs and buggy on a bus and it's no joke!
Sprog wriggles like an eel while you are trying to hold it and toddler wanders off while you try and fold a buggy on a now moving bus.*
Sorry, but I bet there are a hell of a lot more mums with prams and people with luggage than wheelchair bound types, but I suppose this is the new lottery position, the disabled being still flavour of the month after the Olympics. Sorry, less than possibly deserved sympathy here.

* Some years ago, when then wife was in hospital with number three.

JuliaM said...

"... I bet there are a hell of a lot more mums with prams and people with luggage than wheelchair bound types..."

Yes, indeed there are. But the latter have a winning Victimhood Poker hand.