Monday 26 November 2012

They’ve Learned Their Lesson Just Like….Well, Just Like The Public Sector!

A couple who ‘abandoned’ their three young children - one of them just a baby - whilst they went out on the town and got drunk, have walked free from court.
The pair, from Nelson, were slammed as probably unfit to have the responsibility of young children by a judge, who said their actions had beggared belief.
Only ‘probably’..?
The lower court had earlier been told how the mother was said to have told police she couldn't give a ‘s...’ about her children as she headed out on the late night drinking session.
Officers had turned up to find the tots ‘home alone’ at about 3am on September 3, after the mother's own sister called the police.
Someone’s off the Christmas card list, I suspect…
The father, questioned by police later that day, admitted it was a ‘stupid thing to do’ and claimed they usually had a babysitter.
Not ‘always’. Just ‘usually’. These are the sort of people Michael Gove had in mind, aren't they?
Recorder Long told the defendants :" I strongly suspect that both of you are unfit to have the responsibility for the care of young children."
The judge added, however, he accepted the pair both realised what they had done was serious and were suitably ashamed of themselves.
He said it was the first offence they had committed, they had pleaded guilty and appeared to be in the process of learning their lesson.
Yeah. Just like the police, and social services, and the NHS, and…

*continue ad infinitum*


Farenheit211 said...

They may be unfit to have responsibility for a child but at least they are not UKIP supporters.

Umbongo said...

Haven't they "turned their lives round" yet?

The worst thing about this is that the magistrates thought that the offences were so serious that they remitted the couple to a higher court for sentencing. This is done where the lower court considers that its powers of sentencing are not punitive enough. This was probably true in this case but, unfortunately for justice and luckily for the crims, it was the bien pensant Recorder Long who drew the sentencing short straw and, effectively, declared them the victims here.

Whoever this couple is, I think they'll be troubling the courts, the police, the social services (and the benefits bureaucracy) for a long time to come, as will, I suspect, their offspring.

JuliaM said...

"They may be unfit to have responsibility for a child but at least they are not UKIP supporters."


"Haven't they "turned their lives round" yet?"

That'll undoubtedly be the next trial. Which, I'm sure you're correct, won't be long coming.

Paul said...

Why do people have children if they can't be bothered to look after them? I don't like children and don't want them, so I won't have them. If I want to be around children, I can always entertain other people's kids when I see them.

If you actually tell people you don't like children and don't want them, people look at you as if you're a complete psycho. Or perhaps it's just me. ;-)

Furor Teutonicus said...

XX Paul said...

If you actually tell people you don't like children and don't want them, people look at you as if you're a complete psycho. Or perhaps it's just me. ;-) XX


Then they spend hours trying to change your mind, bastards.

Same applies when you tell some prat in the pub you really could not give a monkeys fuck, how "the match" went, last night.