Thursday 1 November 2012

"Who else would love him still, when they've been used so ill?"

Shannon Turnball suffered a fractured cheekbone and left eye socket when Cofi Walters attacked her after an argument, Bristol Crown Court heard yesterday.
He also punched Rosie Fortune, Miss Turnball's friend, in the chest as she intervened and hurled a TV across a room.
And at the trial, guess what?
Judge David Ticehurst, who was told Miss Turnball stood by the defendant and was in court for the sentencing, said: "This young lady seems to want him back."
Miss Turnball said: "I love him."
The judge replied: "He treats you dreadfully. How do you know he won't do it again, more seriously?"
*sigh* It's not like she didn't know he was a bad 'un, is it?
Walters is due for release from jail in April, having been recalled after the attack on his girlfriend to finish an 18-month term for possessing a blade and firearm.
The court heard he had previous convictions for battery and public order offences in which he stamped or punched men on the ground.
You'll see them both again, Judge. At Crown Court. Or the coroner's court.


Tatty said...

Nah, she doesn't love him...but she desperately wants him to love her...and is apparently oblivious to the fact he doesn't and never will.

I sometimes think such women must be either actually be mentally retarded...for which there is nothing that can be done...or so severely emotionally damaged to need "love" that badly.

Step One: Admit your problem.

Or start planning your funeral.

DJ said...

Hey, don't be so miserable. It's an ill wind and all....

She's now an Abused Woman and when the ineviatble happens, she'll have been Let Down By The System. The Feminazis will have another excuse to rant and rave until they can shake down £50 million to run a campaign vilifying all men everywhere.

Woman on a Raft said...

He was holding her by the hair extensions

Dr Cromarty said...

If she can read she should read some pieces by Theodore Dalrymple. If she stands by her man, she'll end up stabbed to death.

Anonymous said...

@ Dr Cromarty

I have the good doctor's first book "Life at the Bottom".

Sadly I found it too depressing to read the whole way through.

It was written in the mid nineties which makes me shudder.


Andy said...

Hopefully the next court this woman has to attend will be the coroner`s court where they will discus the sad death of Cofi Walters who picked a fight with the wrong man and got his useless parasitic life ended.

Dr Cromarty said...


Yes indeed. No doubt the reports of his demise will refer to him as a 'loveable rogue'.

JuliaM said...

"I sometimes think such women must be either actually be mentally retarded..."

If not, after a few more blows to the head, they will be!

"She's now an Abused Woman and when the ineviatble happens, she'll have been Let Down By The System."

Yup :/

"Sadly I found it too depressing to read the whole way through."

It doesn't make happy reading...

"No doubt the reports of his demise will refer to him as a 'loveable rogue'."

A dead give-away!