Wednesday 28 November 2012

Oh, Yes It IS ‘Appropriate'!

Emma Gregory, 20, was handed a suspended jail term for allowing her dog, Tia, to maul the boy as he walked home from school with his mother.
I told you her and her ilk were winning, didn't I?
Both Tia and Gregory’s other pit bull-type dog, Mia, who have been housed in kennels at a cost of more than £3,000 since the attack, will now be put down.
Well, two troublesome bitches down, anyway. Gregory, sadly, is set to live a lot longer and cost us a lot, lot more…
Judge Robert Crawford said a compensation order towards the victim was ‘not appropriate’ as Gregory is the single mother of an 18-month-old boy and lives on benefits.
And yet, amazingly, she managed to buy and feed two large ‘pets’. And I guess she doesn't have any personal possessions other than the clothes on her back, eh?


Does she need both kidneys?


Macheath said...

Yet more underclass arithmetic;
(mother's age)-(age of eldest child+ 9 months) < 19
is pretty much a given for any case involving neglect or criminally irresponsible behaviour.

No doubt the legal system will be seeing much more of Ms Gregory, and, if her dog-handling skills are any indication of her child-rearing, of her offspring as well.

If benefit reform is to be a serious force for social change, teenage mothers must be a top priority.

Woman on a Raft said...

She kept dangerous animals which already attacked one child.

Much as I dislike the state interfering, it does have good grounds for asking whether this child is safe under her care.

There is a good chance we won't see much more of the child due to it being eaten by snakes/dingos/pet piranhas etc.

Pogo said...


it does have good grounds for asking whether this child is safe under her care.

The kid will be fine - I don't suppose for one minute that Ms Gregory votes UKIP.

Anonymous said...


I like how they describe this type of irresponsible breeder as a mother, she's not a mother she is some stupid bitch who got pregnant and is now making the rest of us pay her lifestyle. Which included two pit-bull type dogs.

Benfit reform which included forced adoption for the offspring, it may stand a chance then and compulsory workhouses for the likes of this silly cow. It may seem harsh but the preventative effect would be good to reduce the numbers.

John Pickworth said...

Clicking through to the original story is not advised for those with blood pressure problems.

Gregory is photographed leaving court like she'd just been evicted from the Big Brother TV show. I guess that's one method of coping with the shame and remorse?

Another photograph shows her hurrying home with 25 copies of the local newspaper after she made the front page.

As we speak, the local celeb is no doubt finding herself invited to Openshaw's finest cocktail parties and dinners. And to think, her teachers said she'd never amount to much.

As for the victim's mother, I hope she's already called one (or several) of those no-win no-fee companies.

Macheath said...

JP, her eloquence, according to the Mail, appears to belie her appearance...

Gregory, of Openshaw, said: 'I’m truly sorry for the injuries which were caused by Tia and I hope the boy can overcome both the physical and the emotional trauma he suffered.
I hope it brings home to other dog owners how big a responsibility it is to keep an animal and that certain breeds can be very dangerous.'

It would be interesting, though almost certainly less edifying, to learn what she actually said before it was filtered through the mouth of her publicly-funded solicitor.

JuliaM said...

"If benefit reform is to be a serious force for social change, teenage mothers must be a top priority."

Sadly, that's an effort that will only see payoff in the long term. And governments aren't long-term thinkers.

"The kid will be fine - I don't suppose for one minute that Ms Gregory votes UKIP."


"I guess that's one method of coping with the shame and remorse?"


"...before it was filtered through the mouth of her publicly-funded solicitor."

I wonder if their firms have to send them on some course - 'How To Speak Chav'?